Monday, February 9, 2009

dear sarah guin

I have been informed that I can no longer read your blog. I missed something on your blog but now I'm being shunned. I think you can fix this. As a matter of fact, I know you can. Blogger informs me that I need an invitation, sooooo...I'm waiting on that invite.

Nothing new is going on except full swing into practicum. I will be graduating on Dec. 19, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. I found out this week, or that's when its been planned. I don't think I'm going to walk for graduation. They are never fun to go to, so I'm really just thinking about all of you who read this. I'm sparing you, really. What a sweet friend I am :) What I most want for graduation is a job. Those make great grad gifts, so if any of you sweet friends I'm sparing will get on a site based council and give a sista the heads up, I'll buy YOU a gift certificate to the teacher's store instead! I should have majored in problem solving cause obviously I'm really good at that.

John and I are closing on the house Friday in Chattanooga and visiting Jerry Seinfeld next Friday night! As John and I were walking through Wal-Mart last night I asked him if it was ok that we not celebrate "Valentine's" and just live it up for Seinfeld weekend, to which he spoke a resounding "YES"! I'm really hoping I get to randomly run into Jerry while we're there. The first thing I'll say is "HELLLLLOOOOOOO" (love this episode)

I'm avoiding homework right now at 11:11 P.M. so I need to focus. yeah for warm springy weather and let's hope the storms coming through don't blow our power out again.

P.S. A warm congrats to Angie Hatterick on her newly expected. Babies are a great thing!!!


amandabolin said...

wow jenn, it looks like you have some amazing weekends ahead of you :) you're officially moving a prayer request over to a praise and closing that chapter.. and of course, your long awaited seinfield "episode". how amazing that it worked out to do both?!
Dec. 19th? W-O-W! Can we still have a party? Once I get home? Because-in my humble opinion-THAT-my friend-is worth celebrating. :)
I'm stinkin' proud of you! Keep on keepin` on!!!
Tell John that my Brasilian friend love, love, loves the Spiritual Disciplines book (although I will not let them keep it). And I think I have a contact in Menaus as well-my parents met him at John Piper. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Jennifer Martin,

I love you. You crack me up. And now you are un-shunned and invited. :)

Your friend,

{ s R e } said...

i was secretly hoping you would close on the house next friday then jeanne and i would get your seinfeld tickets by default.
i'm gonna see how far i can get running today against 60 mph wind gusts, you should come watch.

word verification: eringe
"momma said if i's real good, she'd get me a new diamond eringe."

Ashley said...

is this really february weather? oh, right, it's supposed to snow saturday night. that's kentucky for ya.

anyway, the clinic is busy and good. but, i'm sure you already know that. i wanted to talk to you yesterday (i think), but i couldn't find you soon enough.

i miss you. hope methods is going well!