Monday, June 30, 2008

Rockin' in the Free World

For those of you who are keeping up with Julie through this, she just called me and she thinks she could have pneumonia (spelling?). She is doing great otherwise but she is battling something and has been on an antibiotic which, so far, has not helped much. She and the team she is with are sharing the gospel with many a Peruvian and she tells me she is learning much about herself, the Lord, and really loving a people who are lost. She has eaten cow intestines with corn in them (yummy) and she duct taped her toilet together that she is currently sharing with 80 other people. She loves it there and other than the sickness, is doing very well.

John and I got to hang out with some old friends of ours that date back to Waco Baptist days, Robbie and Misty Randall (who I affectionately refer to as Crispy). Anyway, after really good enchiladas, Robby busted out Guitar Hero. I'd never played and am really bad at it, but John and I quote, "Look Jenn, I'm rocking it!" He said it so proper, so white, so John-like, that we were cracking up. And Crispy got pictures:

"Evenflow...blah blah blah I don't know the words...."

Sam, Robby and Misty's son provided the back up dancing for the evening, as well. Good times.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

on location at MyTime Coffee...

Well, I just frantically turned in a late assignment my professor is graciously letting me do and I'm reading up on my friends blogs, checking email, drinking coffee, etc. My friend Angie is going to do the Susan Komen Race for the Cure and you can take part in supporting her endeavor to raise $500. Go to her blog for more details:

Ok, so since my last blog I've been to a wedding, the lake, another Lexington Legends game, and my summer vacation spot known as tropical EKU library. It is so cold in that library that I had to take a long sleeve jacket in and it was like 87 degrees out! Seriously, I'm alert! Turn down the A/C so I don't die of hypothermia! Anyway, here are a few pictures for you to check out. Some are pretty funny:

I went to Ashley's wedding and caught her for a picture before we left. She looked beautiful!

Molly blowing in the wind...she's so cute!

This is John auditioning for the Go-Go's video "Vacation"

Ella getting her cruise on...

I'm driving this little speed boat...really fun!!

It was a good day and no sunburn. I didn't know John could ski and it was hilarious to watch him. He' really good, but he acts like such a dork when he gets comfortable which sometimes gets him hurt. He was sore for days.

The Bluegrass 10,000 is 4th of July and the training is full on. I just hope its not in the 80's at 7:30 a.m. that morning.

More later...

Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm not sick but I'm not well...

Summer I is officially over! It makes me so happy that I could eat a couple of Big Macs. Only 5 more weeks of math and assessment and I can officially start summer! That will be in August. I want to go to Kings Island and eat funnel cake and Skyline Chili(which is not as good as Gold Star, but that's all they have there). I want to read a book that has nothing to do with education. I want to go to the pool without a laptop or a text book and be able to swim with my sud-drenched children. I want to hang out with friends and see my friends who have been doing missions all summer.

School starts August 13...sigh.

It's OK, I'm keeping a sunny disposition, folks.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, June 14...

so...i'm in the library again getting ready for an exam while Angie Hatterick has my daughter out at a movie. Molly was the proud winner of seeing Kung Fu Panda for having the most AR points in her room (girl winner). I should have warned angie that molly is a blast at all events and she will want to take her to many a movie (I think angie just wants to see animated movies and not be a tool!)

I got up and ran this morning at 9 a.m. thinking it would be cooler and less humid but i was so wrong. Jeanne, Ragan, and I looked at each other thinking "We're idiots for being up this early on Saturday and running" but we tredged on. My hands and body were so sticky, I felt like I had eaten pancakes with my bare hands. I think that I've decided I like to run races, I just don't like training for them. Training=pain. Pain=already got enough of that in my life, so what am i doing? Basically i'm tired of being the weakest runner of the three of us. Ragan runs cold turkey and keeps a better pace than me! Too bad I like her or I would really start ragging on her right now.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Maybe I'm not going to run the Chickamauga 1/2 or the Nashville 1/2. Maybe I'll just play Nazi Yahtzee. My mom plays Yahtzee with my great aunt and they are always trying to get me to play with them. I was thinking the other day that I've tried all my life not to turn out like my mom and somewhere along life's path, I resemble her. She has decided not to do chemo anymore because IT was killing her, not the cancer, and she feels great. She's really overcome some stuff and she has dealt with me in some stuff. I've given her a lot of grief, but she really is good. Maybe I'll play Yahtzee with these two ladies and get the pants spanked off me.

I've got to get on this exam. Hope it's not raining on Tyler and Marie while they're on their anniversary trip.

Summer, start running!
Thank you Angie for taking Molly today.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

in the library...

didn't i tell you all i would be spending my summer in the library. well, i'm here trying to get a WIKI to download on blackboard (and it's not working) so i thought, i'll check my blog. only angie and summer are blogging so we'll just keep up with each other this way girls and comment on each other's blogs. i'm one week out on summer I and summer II starts two days later. but that's nine more hours down to me getting to educate the youth of tomorrow.

Do you all like Weezer? a kid at our school had an awesome Weezer t-shirt i always wanted to take off him and send him to the resource closet for a new tee(just so I could steal it:)
This video is hilarious:

So...i attended a free IFC fighting championship at rupp arena the other night (like UFC only ghetto and the guys looked like they were from Irvine, KY). Well, I witnessed an insane bikini contest that left me feeling a little more feminist than i care to be, and saw blood mopped off the floor of the "cage" by a guy in a purple suit. I'm pretty sure my IQ dropped for attending, but I didn't know.

I'm getting ready for the Bluegrass 10,ooo going on in Lexington and running when the humidity is 1,ooo percent is KILLING ME. and that a secada hit me in the head while i was running didn't help either. I just try and imagine jeanne saying, "if there's a secada infestation the morning of the race, you're just going to run with them" and i keep my feet turning.

please go see the m. night shamalan movie when it comes out friday. he's a genius. you won't be sorry (unless it's like Lady in the Water, then I apologize)

my friend Julie just sent me a letter from a town in Peru called Cordova. She's doing summer missions work in the Andes Mountains. She is 10,ooo feet above sea level and wrote about having some altitude sickness, killing a scorpion, eating interesting food that she can't refuse but not vomit yet, and how music is the primary means she is getting to translate the love of God to a people who've never heard of Jesus and don't understand her language yet. Her heart for the lost amazes me. She is already talking of wanting to stay there (which kills me) and I think she could. She is a person that knows we are all crooked deep down and there is only one hope. She encourages me with phrases about my life like,"you know jenn, even when this life sucks we know how the story ends". I'm glad to hear her summer is being served in the gospel and am thankful she is a sister of mine. Maybe she will finally eat a hot dog when she gets back :)

I'm going to get back to work. and watch people swat secada's that land on them from the window...

Monday, June 2, 2008


Well, I'm officially a soccer mom. Ella will be playing on the Clark-Moore Girls Soccer team this next school year. I loved the email we recieved, come to the parent meeting and get your Otis Spunkmeyer cookie fundraising materials so she can go to camp! Wait, I thought we were playing soccer not making people obese! Anyway, I think i'm going to have cookies for sale so don't eat Kroger or Walmart brand, buy Ella's!

New M. Knight movie coming June 15! Wooooo!

off to math class...