Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Time for Everything

ok, i LOVE these comic strips called cyanide and happiness. i will be sharing some of my favorites with you as i find them. when i find them that resemble some part of my life and my day it makes it a double bonus.

ok, a lot of you know that i'm runnig my first mini marathon this weekend. it sounds so motivated, so exhilarating and monumental...and i'm scared to death. i'm running with basically the greek goddess of running who lovingly screams at me when i want to slow down. i love her and want to punch her in the face all at the same time in those moments. we joke about it. she's that non-sissy friend. we all need those. i also am finishing my semester in school and it's an odd feeling to be talking about history homework at 34. i may blog about my thoughts of the non-traditional students at eastern another time. i don't want to be thougth of one, so i try not to belly ache about it. all i know is when i see my fellow oldies on campus with their stewardess suitcases and perfectly organized notebooks and all their assignments were finished before the syllabi was ever published i think...i'm so glad i am who i am. i like that i enjoy comic strips on nothingness. and then their suitcases turn over on the curb and they're scrambling to get it back on it's wheels to show up 10 minutes early for class and think all if fair in the world...

i'll blog about the race after saturday. maybe we can have awesome pictures too. oh yeah...one more comic


{ s R e } said...

this cartoon reminds me of a lady that used to try to beat up my best friend in high school. we would ride around town and this lady would pull over and cuss us out all the time because her granddaughter hated my best friend....the lady only had one arm so we called her the "one armed granny"....fitting, huh?

jenn said...

after this comment i so look forward to your blogs...

JB, Angie and Ashlyn said...
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JB, Angie and Ashlyn said...

Okay...I just knew you wouldn't be one of those people that carry their books in a suitcase...UGH! Please, slap me if I ever turn to the wheeled luggage to carry books!