Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gobble Gobble Goo and a Gobble Gobble Gibble...I Wish That the Turkey just cost a nickel...

so Thanksgiving is underway this weekend with 2 meals in the mix. I will be preparing sweet potato casserole, angel biscuits, and deviled eggs for all the occasions. I make all those things really well, if you don't mind me saying. I also plan on running a 5k Thanksgiving moring to offset the celebrations of the weekends. So far, the only plans on the table for Thanksgiving are hanging out at home with the kids and John since all the meals for extended family will be over the weekend. I'm hoping for a day of Gold Star Chili and non-stop movies!!!!!! Doesn't that sound glorious, a race with friends I'm so thankful for and hanging out with the sweetest family the rest of the day. Add a huge pair of boys sleep bottoms to the mix and it adds up to perfection. So in thinking about Thanksgiving, I thought I would start a list of what I'm thankful for. I like to do lists like these because it makes me be concise so here's my 2008 Top Ten for Thanksgiving:

1. Grace that is greater than all our sins
2. John--specifically how he loves me in a unique way and I love him in spite of his love of cats.
3. Grant, Ella, Molly--quite possibly the most entertaining and amazing kids on the planet.
4. Forgiveness
5. We have not forclosed on our home...seriously, it's a miracle
6. The light at the end of the tunnel for my certification
7. Amazing Friends here in Richmond--Julie, Jeanne, Summer, Ashley, Ty and Marie, Stuart--And far away--Ginger D in Texas, Johnny and Jennifer and Seth and Candace in Frankfort. Without your encouragement and laughter I don't know how I would have made it this year.
8. Jenny Stephens Family--letting us live on your farm has been a blessing you won't ever be able to measure here on Earth.
9. Buck Run Baptist--even though we live far away from our home church, I thank the Lord for a pastor like Dr. York and a church that loves the way they do.
10. Knowing I'm not where I want to be, but I'm not the same as I was before.

Count your blessings this year. We are so much better off than we deserve, aren't we?


Ashley said...

I'm raising a toast to your list right now. Here, here!

By the way, I'm loving the Adam Sandler lyrics. :)