Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Time keeps on tickin', tickin', tickin', into the future...

i hate being so busy that i cannot do the things that i like to do. like nothing. i'm pretty much the best at nothing as anybody doing nothing can be. i've talked to julie and ginger in 15 min. segments that only lead to open ended questions about our lives and for people who need closure,this, my friends is no good. speaking of needing closure, (i'm thiking this is a fallacy made up in the minds of psychologists that need work) if this semester doesn't end soon it will kill me. here's what i keep telling jeanne when we run, "why am i doing this, there are no jobs, and i'm old and in college. doing this with the anticipation of no work is very demotivating. oh, go do something fun, no, i can't I have a dramatic presentation of the life of Fredric Douglass to complete after I get off of star bucks at midnight" did i say there are no jobs here?

closure: to finish a bachelor's (for no job) only to be told you're not really certified until you finish your masters. Sighhhhh. really.

really. amanda, i'm flying myself to Brazil to work. maybe that will bring closure to my life...


amandabolin said...

:) You should. Your family would LOVE it here. You could teach, John could be chaplain, and well, Molly, Ella, and Grant would love it here. Well, that's great that I have a plan.....wish it was God's plan..... :) I know He's got something for you.

As for the weather, I was sweating bullets up until last night when it rained....praise the Lord for the rain. I really thought my mom was gonna pass out from heat exhaustion!

Off to the market, tchau tchau!