Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ms.Bolin's Class, I love you!

Dear Mrs. Martin and 4th grade,
We just have a few questions.....
What do you like to eat? What food to you like? Are you going to come here? Please can you come here? Where were you born? Which book do you like? Do you like The Cat in the Hat? What do you like to play at recess? Do you like to play sports? What are some things that you like to do at home? Do you like to sleep? Do you like to play? What color are your eyes? How did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Have you seen a volcano? Have you seen a waterfall?
We wanted to ask you these questions. There are a lot of them and you can answer the ones that you would like. If your students would like to answer some of them, that would be great! My students also said that they "miss you" because they know that that is a kind thing to say to someone in a letter. (haha-they made me write that). Something funny that happened.Nicolas told me the other day that God was so big that He could eat His lunch in one bite. We colored Flat Stanley and made some clothes of our own. They should be in Kentucky on March 31st. I will talk to Mrs. Martin about this. Also, we bought some postcards from Brasilia. Stanley will be bringing those to you.
Your Friends,
Caleb, Nana, Thales, James, Nicolas, and Ms. Bolin

I will answer you as soon as I get finished with a SS lesson plan, math critique, and studying for BIO. soon, i promise...

with pictures!


amandabolin said...

:) So-we left you two more posts this week! We were good! Hope things are going well in school!!! Tchau tchau!