Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Weekend...

So we DID do the campout this past weekend at our house...most of us slept inside because it rained and was COLD. What is wrong with the weather this year? Props to Mary and Amanda for sleeping outside and almost being eaten alive by killer bugs. You two amazed me. We roasted marshmallows, burned hot dogs and ate them anyway, and then did what all camping trips should involve...watching a movie because our fire got rained on. It was good and breakfast the next morning made up for it. Made me a little sick later, but still wouldn't undo it...mmm, breakfast meats!!!

While working on MAT 201 and watching the Top Chef weekend marathon, I came across my 5k sign up sheet, so I won't be running that Memorial Morning. I'm starting to make excuses for not wanting to run and that won't do. Eating peanut butter and jelly or banana sandwiches won't help me out! I saw some pictures of me a few years ago on John's computer and some people's facebooks and yikes! Should have been running more then.

Last week of elementary school next week and my kids are so excited! We look forward to sleeping in. Grant's off to Disney soon with his cousin so he's really excited. Still no word on our house, so if you want to vacation in Chattanooga, call me. I'll give you a good deal on our vacation home.

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Have a good Memorial Day everyone. Let's hope we don't have to wear sweatshirts.