Monday, June 30, 2008

Rockin' in the Free World

For those of you who are keeping up with Julie through this, she just called me and she thinks she could have pneumonia (spelling?). She is doing great otherwise but she is battling something and has been on an antibiotic which, so far, has not helped much. She and the team she is with are sharing the gospel with many a Peruvian and she tells me she is learning much about herself, the Lord, and really loving a people who are lost. She has eaten cow intestines with corn in them (yummy) and she duct taped her toilet together that she is currently sharing with 80 other people. She loves it there and other than the sickness, is doing very well.

John and I got to hang out with some old friends of ours that date back to Waco Baptist days, Robbie and Misty Randall (who I affectionately refer to as Crispy). Anyway, after really good enchiladas, Robby busted out Guitar Hero. I'd never played and am really bad at it, but John and I quote, "Look Jenn, I'm rocking it!" He said it so proper, so white, so John-like, that we were cracking up. And Crispy got pictures:

"Evenflow...blah blah blah I don't know the words...."

Sam, Robby and Misty's son provided the back up dancing for the evening, as well. Good times.