Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, June 14...

so...i'm in the library again getting ready for an exam while Angie Hatterick has my daughter out at a movie. Molly was the proud winner of seeing Kung Fu Panda for having the most AR points in her room (girl winner). I should have warned angie that molly is a blast at all events and she will want to take her to many a movie (I think angie just wants to see animated movies and not be a tool!)

I got up and ran this morning at 9 a.m. thinking it would be cooler and less humid but i was so wrong. Jeanne, Ragan, and I looked at each other thinking "We're idiots for being up this early on Saturday and running" but we tredged on. My hands and body were so sticky, I felt like I had eaten pancakes with my bare hands. I think that I've decided I like to run races, I just don't like training for them. Training=pain. Pain=already got enough of that in my life, so what am i doing? Basically i'm tired of being the weakest runner of the three of us. Ragan runs cold turkey and keeps a better pace than me! Too bad I like her or I would really start ragging on her right now.

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Maybe I'm not going to run the Chickamauga 1/2 or the Nashville 1/2. Maybe I'll just play Nazi Yahtzee. My mom plays Yahtzee with my great aunt and they are always trying to get me to play with them. I was thinking the other day that I've tried all my life not to turn out like my mom and somewhere along life's path, I resemble her. She has decided not to do chemo anymore because IT was killing her, not the cancer, and she feels great. She's really overcome some stuff and she has dealt with me in some stuff. I've given her a lot of grief, but she really is good. Maybe I'll play Yahtzee with these two ladies and get the pants spanked off me.

I've got to get on this exam. Hope it's not raining on Tyler and Marie while they're on their anniversary trip.

Summer, start running!
Thank you Angie for taking Molly today.


{ s R e } said...

"Ní bhíonn an rath ach mar a mbíonn an smacht."
-There is no luck except where there is discipline.
I need to get my butt motivated. Congrats to you, Jeanne and Ragan for not being a "great big wuss" like myself....props to the girls with discipline. :)