Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can I be this tired already?

I called one of the parents of one of the players on Ella's basketball team and basically word vomitted all over her about being tired. I sound like I'm whining all the time, but seriously, sometimes I wonder if meds aren't a good idea for me to deal with things that most rational people don't seem to have a challenge dealing with. I joke with Jeanne that running is my Xanax (sp?, who cares) but I'm just not wrapping my head around how active your life can become with teenage children. That stabs me in the heart even to say, "Teenage children". This life is so fast. And if Jesus could come back really soon, like before the week Ella has a soccer and/or basketball game every night of the week, I would be much less stressed.

Ok, I'm whining.

I'm trying to download photos right this instant of fun stuff that has happend in the last few weeks of summer like Kings Island and the MidSummers Night Run. I miss being lazy and not having a set schedule. I appreciate schedules and do get much done when given a time frame, but I just want to be spotaneous and open to flexible schedules. Maybe that could be a dissertation I can write, "Kids assessment scores increase due to flexible school schedules". I told John the other night I would like to pursue my education track, if possible, to be able to teach college. We'll see. It's funny to anticipate planning that when we don't even know where we're going to live next year. I'm ready to have my house again, but am thankful our home in Chattanooga is being used by a couple who is also trying to make some of the same decisions we are. Let's hope they love our house and want to buy it!!!!! If you're in Chattanooga, tell them that house is great!

Speaking of Ella playing soccer/basketball, she is doing amazing. She is fun to watch and the other night I watched her ram into a little girl on the soccer field. The girl bounced off Ell and smacked the ground. Ella was more concerned with making sure the girl was ok than getting back to the ball within a half second. She shows grace and compassion to people in ways I'm learning from. I love watching her. She always sees the positive and is such a go-getter. Her first basketball game is next week. WOO WOO!

Well, I'm going to polish off this cup of coffee(3 so far today, that's awful), and work on soccer booster minutes. Pictures soon hopefully.