Sunday, August 31, 2008

Angie's tag and other fun stuff

This blog will be random but there have been some fun things happen this week.
1. I saw a guy totally crash on his bike in the Coates parking lot trying to ride up from the road to a sidewalk. He also had this enourmous backpack on and he WIPED OUT right beside me. Did I laugh a little...

2. I have a interesting fellow in one of my classes that talks about/in military time. He will be an educator one day. Probably of your kids.

3. Go now and rent the movie "Mama's Boy" with Jon Heder. (Napolean Dynamite) Hilarious!

4. Angie's tag:
A- Attached or Single? Attached? Is that Anglo for married? Then I'm married
B- Best Friend: My 2-6 numbers on speed dial on my phone. John, Julie, Ginger, Marie, and Jeanne
C- Cake or Pie: Cake
D- Drink of Choice: COFFEE, Coke Zero, and bottled water. The occasional iced tea at supper.
E- Essential Item: My doughnut pj's
F- Favorite Color: Red
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Neither. I hate that kind of candy
H- Hometown: Historical Richmond, KY
I- Indulgence: Television. I would watch TV not stop if allowed. I(John) tries to hone this down in me by making a speech on how the mind will grow if we just stop watching it. I just say, "Simmer down or SHHHHHHH"
J- January or February: Both have a holiday to miss school, so I'm indifferent
K- Kids: 3 of the most amazing you'll ever meet
L- Life, for me, is incomplete without: Christ, John, Grant, Ella, Molly, running
M- Marriage Date: 7-93, i can't remember if its the 23 or 24
N- Number of Siblings: 2
O- Oranges or Apples? Oranges, clementines
P- Phobia/Fears: Falling into an open body of water in a car...
Q- Favorite Quote: ? This puts a lot of pressure on me.
R- Reasons to smile: Grant, people falling off of things, John trying to dance
S- Season: Deer
T- Tag Ten: Summer, Shannon, Jeanne, Ragan, Marie, Amanda, Ashley, Alex, Becca, Dr. Moore, Dr. Moehler, anyone else.
U- Unknown fact about me: I adore the show "The Nanny" Love Fran Drescher!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Check Y
W- Worst Habit: John says procrastinating. I'll think of one later and let you know.
X- X-rays or Ultrasounds? Had both, prefer neither
Y- Your Favorite Foods: Yes
Z- Zodiac: Sagitarius (sp?)

5. I carry so many books at a time on campus because I don't get a break that my backpack stands like 2 feet off my back. I will rupture a disc before I pull that luggage thing around on campus, but I now know why they're doing it. It also smashes my pb@j and orange because it's so heavy. Anyone feeling sorry for me?

6. Grant has an ant farm.

7. Female Vice Presedential candidates ROCK!!!!

8. about 3 kids in class have called me maam. Sweet them.

Happy Labor Day!


amandabolin said...

so-i laughed at the guy crashing...and then i felt bad haha. :) love hearing about campus and your pursuit of graduation.... and kudos to you for raising that hand in your racial relations class-for sure. You'd love it. You don't have to have a car-simple is the only complicated way to live- :) And seemingly-in countries such as these-it is just that way. for real.
Go Ella! She gets like all the awards this year---for everything! haha. :) praying for that house! (well, really praying that God wants you to be missionaries...) :)
and about the 21 hours-watch out-you're super mom!! :) you can do it!!!

Ashley said...

i'm glad that we can have a virtual friendship... face-to-face ones are so overrated. NOT! we need to get together soon.

and, i don't know about d-now. we're still talking/planning/pulling our hair out.