Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cause a lot of wags want to hear it...

I started this Saturday sending my sweet little family out the door to the zoo and work as I made a list of errands to run until they get home. One of my to-do's is to take the kids comforters to the laundrymat here in Richmond because they are too big for our washing machine. Ok, so I pull up and the door is unlocked like the business is open and I'm dragging these big black lawn and leaf bags into the Mexican laundry mat (well, there is always a hispanic woman running it and her children run around barefoot which is real cute)and I realize no one is in there. NO ONE. I start saying, "Hello...". Nothing. Not even the sound of a cockroach scurrying. I'm still dragging my bag across the floor to the huge machines and yell again, "Hello...". (insert sound of crickets for movie affect). So I stand there and debate on whether to throw my stuff on in the machine and stay in the creepy abadoned laundry mat. In what seemed like a long time but was actually like 30 seconds I ponder why this place might be dead empty. Is there a drug bust going down out back? Did the kids have an emergency visit to the pediatrician because the black won't come off their feet? There is a Chinese resteraunt next door so maybe they're moonlighting? I feel the creepy increase and start to drag my bag back out. Then it dawns on me that this is the same bag they use in the movies when someone has been murdered and one is trying to dispose of a body. So I stand there again wondering if this is an episode of Punked or Candid Camera( I know that show hasn't been on since I was like 5, but you get the idea). Before I open the door, I look to see if anyone I know is around and drag my body/comforters to the car that is still missing a hubcap and looks criminal. I wanted to curl up in the fetal positon upon realizing I told Molly I would have her comforter cleaned by tonight so I stopped for a Diet Coke at MyTime, checked my email, and decided to share my Saturday with you thus far. I still have to find a laundry mat. Isn't there such a thing as a Chinese laundry?

I also looked at the pictures of the 38 year old Olympic Marathon winner and read about the marathon hopefuls who didn't win. It inspired me to keep on trucking and don't give up running a marathon by the time I'm 40. They didn't even expect her to be in the top 5! Awesome! Constantina, although you looked like an old skeleton running that finish line, I want to run like you. Hurray for older runners! and as a side note, she ran her full marathon shorter than my half time. Sigh.

I read Sarah Guin's latest post that bragged about her not starting school this week and I was glad for her in a "I'm jealous kinda way" as Me, Marie, Ashley, and the other 18,ooo students start our fall semester this week. That reminds me, add to the to-do list, Buy Books.

Thankful list:
1. Redemption
2. John
3. Grant's braces are off (we'll take a picture of his mouth and I'll post it!)
4. The Office and Biggest Loser Family will be on soon!
5. Cold weather is coming so running will get easier.
6. Ginger is soon to be not sick
7. Buck Run Baptist
8. Podcasts
9. Nutella on white bread!

Good luck starting school all EKU Colonels. It's going to be great(i'm shaking my head no while typing :-)


{ s R e } said...

sorry i couldn't meet you this morning...we were at the store and it took FOR-EV-ER. i shall nix ever attempting to be a patron of wal-mart on a saturday morning from now on.
i watched skinnybones run last weekend, too. i was terrified she was gonna fall before she could win.
as for the laundrymat, (is that spelled right or is my country accent getting in the way?), next time, just throw 'em in the bathtub and wash, it may be easier than getting raided in the drug bust. :)

JB, Angie and Ashlyn said...

Sca..ry! I'm glad you got the H**L outta there! Summer had a good idea, you'd be better off washing them in the bathtub in order to keep yourself safe and out of the next Michael Myers film.