Thursday, August 7, 2008

There is always something there to remind me...

I'm sitting at MyTime for the fourth day in a row with Molly and getting to be on the internet for no purpose but to browse. That doesnt' seem to happen to often and there is some crazy stuff you can find when you are mindlessly looking. Ella is at basketball practice and I'm waiting her out so I can then take her to soccer practice. She loves to be overly active and we are enabling this need for her this semester. Two sports, two-four hours of practice or games or both four days a week, and the rest of the family being good members by rooting her on and painting our faces for games and Grant taking off his shirt at games and dancing crazy...well, that hasn't happend yet, but it will! Grant's birthday is next week and we are celebrating this weekend at the local mini-golf place. He has an eclectic guest list ranging from family, his teen-age friends, and his married college friends. I think he wants some competition and maybe having two Tyler Kings there will bring the heat.

The kids and I all start school next week and we are regretfully saying farewell to sleeping in until 11:00 am every day. I used to think this was a dreadful habit, but when my body just kept sleeping and I was delightfully happier with 11-13 hours of sleep a day, I decided its not laziness, it's healthfulness. Yeah, everybody should be doing it. When other moms found out about my habit and scoffed I would tell them I didn't want to interrupt my kids sleeping and if they would sleep until noon I would let them. That seemed to get them off my back some. Anyway, we are missing that and haven't figured out a way to get in bed by 7 p.m. to keep the habit going, so we will forego this until next summer, or at least Labor Day morning.

Speaking of sleeping, Big Whirl was asleep in the shade across from Long John Silver's on the bypass this morning. My kids were freaking out and saying things like, "does he know he's in the middle of town?". There is really no reason to mention this other than it goes along with my sleeping notion. Maybe he's trying to get 13 hours a day too!!!

Some people's blogs have mentioned things that are going great in there lives so I thought I would do that too:
1. Kings Island tomorrow
2. My semester of college paid for because I got the teacher's scholarship form KHEAA
3. John and the kids are healthy and we laugh a lot at home at night! John and the girls should go on the road with there Paramore interpts they perform.
4. Friends are fulfilling God's call and seeing God move in there lives. Amazing
5. John and I are doing well, and that feels good
6. Life, although we're still in total disarray, is panning out some. We're learning patience and although that can be hard, it's a teacher that you can only learn from through experience.
7. Good friends are blessings.

Love Yall


{ s R e } said...

can't go wrong with too much sleep...i remember the days, barely! just think, you only have two semesters to go until you graduate...keep on keepin' on. :)

Alex said...

praise the Lord for school starting because that's one step closer to your graduation! I'm with you on that- it will come fast, don't worry!
i love those kids of yours, please hug them a lot for me!

amandabolin said...

:) I'm so excited that you guys are finally at Kings Island :) It did make me miss you ALL today as I painted and did something that I called "moshing" or massa or something. :)

Can we have another New Years Party? Just say yes, so I'll have something to look forward to at home :)

JB, Angie and Ashlyn said...

Great post! Congrats on the scholarship...that's fantastic.