Thursday, October 2, 2008

can coffee make you feel like garbage?

I had to take a break from studying for a racial relations exam (a requirement for kindergarten? whatever) and i'm either really stressing out and feeling uncomfortable or the coffee is making me feel like i'm living in Peru (that's for you Julie) I drink coffee everyday. EVERY day. I shouldn't be feeling like this. Being a non-trad officially makes you sick. I've done the research. Running doesn't help. Sleep doesn't help. Sociology WILL kill you. check your journals later folks, my name will be there.

4 day weekend! Pretty siked for it, too. The plans? Somebody make some and we're in...

Vice presedential candidate debates/or The Office? I'm torn. I know the news will recap and I can probably catch the tail end of the debate, so I could watch both.

What are you all doing this weekend? Since this is officially my Friday I want to know. Maybe I'll steal your ideas or invite myself along with my family. I up for cards or spoons or Last Word. I provide entertainment, you bring food...


JB, Angie and Ashlyn said...

I have just been informed that The Office will not be airing tonight because the v.p. debate....who knows if this is true???

Johnny W. Collett said...

In my humble and somewhat informed political opinion, if you didn't watch the VP debate, you didn't miss much. Even being the political junkie I am, I turned it off after about 45 minutes. Say hi to John, and have a great weekend.


jenn said...

I agree Johnny. I did watch it and ended up falling asleep on the couch. We're staying at your house this weekend by the way. John is wanting to go to the Brazil and going to that meeting. Soooo, I'll blog about your house from your computer? No, I'll do homework. WEEE!!!

amandabolin said...

so-while the mk's (the missionary kids i'm babysitting this weekend) are pretending, reading, cleaning their rooms, trying to fight, etc..i explored the other blogs connected to your website and it almost cracked me up when i clicked on dr. york's and it said "confessions of a pastor" at the top.
in other news...
.....word on the street here is that someone is trying to get the imb to send some women this summer to work with the prostitutes in the city...... does make you feel like garbage-because you expect it to make you feel so much's inconsistent-just like the flesh.