Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Grand Ole' Party has arrived

John and I just got finished watching tonight's Republican National Convention and Sarah Palin almost tears in my eyes)...AHHHMMMAAAAZZZZING!

I've not really been too involved in this, or any political race, but she has inspired me to get off my duff and get crackin'. I will be investigating her life much more in depth starting tomorrow, (after class that is)

If you did not see her speech, find it online and get to it.


Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes!! I told mom - she's the kind of person I want to have lunch with. Haha!

I'll be posting more devo-like stuff in the next few weeks because I've been learning a ton lately!

Until then, to keep you busy, something totally un-Biblically related that I hope you appreciate as much as I do:

Anonymous said...

ok, i did not get to see Palin last night because of church activities until super late and then i CRIZASHED- but NOW i'm going to youtube this. I"ll let you know what I think- I hear she's amazing.

Johnny W. Collett said...

I told my Jennifer the other night that folks were just "biden" their time until the vice-presidential debate because one candidate would "palin" comparison to the other. Get it? Ha, Ha!

Johnny Collett