Saturday, September 13, 2008

Random stuff

I said I was going to follow this political campaign very closely and although my intentions were well meaning, I am failing at the present. I am hearing things in my "liberal" arts classes I am being forced to take and the conversation in slanted and short. Can you really talk in a 55 minute class with a head instructor? No. Anyway, I will be bookmarking some national newspapers to get some information due to the lack of time I also have in front of the T.V. Some would believe this is a good thing, but I don't have DVR or TEVO right now so I'm totally isolated from the world. It took Ginger telling me the severity of the hurricane to even know that. I'm current events handicapped. If my blogging friends want to post in comments relevant items, I would be obliged.

On a funnier note and for my Richmond, KY readers, Big Whirl is now on a moped. With a helmet. As the kids and I were riding to a play audition, we saw him and it looked like he had a For Sale sign on it, too. I've been telling John I want one since I live so close to Waco so maybe he could give me a good deal...

Molly wanted to audition for the local Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" here in town. When we showed up her apprehensions began to read on her like the ghost of Christmas Past :). After having a small conversation about showmanship, animation in speaking, and unforced vibrato in singing, I asked her (trying to be a good mom) if she would feel better if I auditioned. She immediately said yes, and we got to do that together today. I watched her be uncomfortable, study a couple of lines in a few seconds and perform, and grow into a more well-rounded adult all before 1 p.m. This is a real stretch for her, so I hope she makes it.

Ella is still doing well at school and at sports. She has made many new friends and is growing into a beautiful person. Grant is HUGE! I don't mean this ugly, I mean this like the first time you see a monster truck. He might be one of the funniest people I've ever spent time with. His personality is so winning, I'm often afraid he means it when he says he's not going to college so he can be a Hobo and he'll really be OK.

Dr. York has been preaching through the Ten Commandments on Sunday mornings and it has been so good to review the basic tenants of the law. He even makes us say them in unison to memorize them! It is a reminder to me that the free gift of God is such a grace. We fall so short, don't we? We strive, try, and often mistakenly work for something that God has said rest, taken care of, paid in full. The hard ones for me are coming in the next few weeks, but I pray God soften my heart to hear his whisper of grace. Grace is so good! I'll say it again, SO GOOD! Derek Webb's lyrics are so befitting this:

Beloved, listen to me
Don't believe all that you see
And don't you ever let anyone tell you that there's anything that you need
But me.

Love ya'll


Tyler and Marie said...

I LOVE that you all are doing well. I'm so proud of Grant, Ella, and Molly for all of their hard work, accomplishments, and unique and wonderful traits, just as I am of you and John. Your children are growing into amazingly beautiful young adults, and they are blessed with wonderful parents to help guide and support them through all of their endeavors. We miss you, and your entire family. Maybe we can "be friends" again soon when school, work, sports, plays, and life slows down just a bit?! We pray for you often, and are always here, no matter how busy everything else is! Love you all dearly!

Ashley said...

ah, the wisdom given to derek webb. i love that song... they are telling lies, for they cannot circumcize your HEART. i just love it. i'm glad to hear that you are doing so well! i want to see you and your family soon :)