I'm relaxing on Christmas morning after a full day on Christmas Eve that started at 7 a.m. at Fayette Mall at Star Bucks. I felt like the entire Northern Hemisphere forgot to buy their Starbucks gift certificates and decided to buy them from me. Just spreading their Christmas cheer! I pretty much missed most of John's family's celebration, but got the last 2 hours of unbridled Nerf gun war between Joe and John. Upon leaving, I realized I had not been to the grocery at ALL this week because of working so much and not having any water for two days (another blog altogether), so I scurried to find some chicken and made a little Christmas Eve supper that included a peach cobbler that might have been the most vile attempt at a dessert on record. I don't know if I was just slobbering tired or just forgot key ingredients (duh!) but we made due. The kids opened a few gifts and we got to witness Ella have freak out over an IPod, Molly really wanted her own Nativity Scene (I'm propogating idol worship in my children for the holiday season, :), jokes), and Grant is rolling around Jenny's old house on a "toy" called a rip stick. It basically looks like a kayak oar on two wheels and you have to do body rolls to get it to move. I'm going to master it before I go back to school. I got John some new clothes(boring, right) from GAP because he seriously needed to fall into that (let's see who catches that one), and (drum role insert..........)I will be attending the February 20th show of JERRY SEINFELD!! I've only dropped hints about that since before Thanksgiving. It was the only thing I really selfishly wanted and we scored orchestra seating for the show. I can't wait.
I'm off to make banana-pecan pancakes and other casseroles for Christmas day all while watching the Disney Christams Parade.
God is soo good. Not just when in a time of blessing, but in all things. Praise the Lord for the incarnate God in the form of a babe. No matter how this Christmas finds you, because of the perfect gift, we know how this story will end...
Merry Christmas!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Posted by jenn at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The ox and lamb kept time, puh rump a pum pum...
I'm sort of making fun of Jeanne in this post, but she said this is one of her favorite Christmas Carols. Little Drummer Boy, one of the most atheological Christmas songs ever! We have teased and teased her this week about this at school in all of our Christmas pageantry. I want to know what some of your favorite Christmas carols are, or the consistent 3 of you who read this.
John and I are going to finish Christmas shopping on Monday evening (way to wait for the last minute). He literally has been working around the clock to help his dad get their new clinic opened and I've kind of brow beat him into going. I want the experience, like in the movies when families are in the mall together and they get cider and see children sitting on Santa's lap (after a $5.oo fee). As I'm typing this, I realize this is so stupid and not what the Lord intended for us in the holiday season. Maybe we'll go share the gospel instead...
I'm hoping to get to hang out with some good friend this week with the kids and make cookies and sing carols with Julie's guitar to bring in the holiday season. I saw a glimpse of Mary who's been in Africa and am looking forward to hearing her stories on missions there. I also am looking forward to Amanda being home soon and hearing more about teaching Kindergarten in Brazil.
If you feel like a holiday treat and want to spread good cheer, go to McDonald's a get coffee there and not Starbucks. Its been really busy and I don't want to wait on you anymore. No offense, just really tired.
I didn't tell you what my favorite carol/song/hymn is for Christmas is. There are many so here's a list:
1. What Child is This?
2. Hark, The Herald Angels Sing
3. Go Tell It on the Mountain
4. Silent Night
5. Angels We Have Heard On High (Gloria)
6. Harry Connick Jr. Christmas Album, a must have
7. John's favorite FYI (Do you hear what I hear and O' Come All Ye Faithful)
If I don't get to blog before Christmas, I love you all and am happy that we are all blessed more than we deserve. Merry Christmas!
Posted by jenn at 11:34 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow...
Its official. With my 20 oz. Coke Zero, 16 oz. of Organic Mexico down, and a half eaten bag of Gardetto's (the dark rye ones are the best!), I'll be finishing finals today. TODAY! This has been the stinking longest semester of my life, no thanks to an amazing but tedious sociology course on racism. I can look ahead at the week before Christmas and breathe a sigh of academic relief. Until Jan 12 when it starts all over again and the countdown to certification starts back.
I've done some fun things over the weekend. I ran a Christmas 5-k with our Waco Loopers running club and dressed like the leg lamp off the Christmas Story. That was our theme and it was amazing. There are more pics on facebook if you want to go to Ty and Marie's page:
I call her friend for so many reasons...
Serious runner
Here are a few things I'm thinking about as Christmas draws nigh:
1. Amanda and Mary are coming back into the states soon!
2. Ashley is going to get hired at Ashland (look, I'm already well wishing for you!)
3. Ty and Marie are moving into their new home over Christmas which very well could be our new home if Chattanooga stays in its economic death bed!
4. Julie is going to go to Nashville but not stay in Nashville (right?)
5. John is going to get back to a normal schedule!
6. Grant is going to pass math!? (i'll let you know)
7. Jeanne and Summer are going to be my running partners over Christmas Break?
8. I'm going to read for pleasure over the holiday break.
9. I will get my house picked up and laundry done while on holiday.
Hooray for finals being over!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Don't Give Up On Me...
I saw the Andrew Peterson Behold The Lamb concert at Juie's church, well the Lord's church that Julie goes too, and it was one of the best things I've seen,listened too EVER! EVER! If you have an opportunity to see this, do! Thank you Julie for the gift. You're the best!
Posted by jenn at 10:32 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
So its your birthday, so its your birthday...Happy Birthday to you...
My birthday is tomorrow. I'll be 35. Even typing that number mystifies me. My title is what the waiters at Chi Chi's used to sing whenever it was open in Lexington. I bet most of you reading this are too young to remember Chi Chi's and that mystifies me too! I love birthdays. I mean love them. I overdo them whenever possible and if money was no expense I would Super Sweet 16 every year of a life. I usually say to whoever, "You only turn ____ once!" That's my excuse for living it up for a party. I love cake, ice cream, streamers, food, friends, music, laughing loud, blowing out candles, saying "Ohhh, you shouldn't have..." all while thinking you totally SHOULD have because birthdays are AWESOME! That's right Julie, AWESOME! Last year was a fun one because Julie made that Kit Kat Kake (I had to alliterate that)and Amanda and she cleaned my kitchen and left Gold Star Chili in my fridge. It about made my head blow off. Ty and Marie got me new running shoes and John gave me pajamas with matching slippers I wore on New Year's at the pajama party. I'm telling you, I remember birthdays.
Top Ten reasons you should love birthdays:
10. God Loves birthdays, He says, "children are a gift from the Lord" and well, if you weren't born than you wouldn't be a gift...
9. You can wear those cone shaped hats and if you are a birthday master (much like a Pokemon master) you can wear two and look like Krusty the Klown off of the Simpsons.
8. You can blow those obnoxiously loud horns right in someone's ear and its ok. Otherwise, they would punch you in the face.
7. Waiters sing at resteraunts and hate it. And that's funny.
6. People can say, "What?!!!, You're not ___! I would have never thought that" (post script...be saying that to me, that's why this one is in here!)
5. The whole day is about me. Well, except for the 3 presentations I have to do at school, and then its all about me...no wait, I have to do the kids laundry but then its all about me...
4. Cake. is. amazing.
3. Sometimes your parties are a surprise ;) (this is a wink in case some of you aren't reading into this)
2. You can go to Disney for free in 09 for your birthday! I love Disney too!
1. It's another year God has given to glorify Him, and I pray that happens in 09.
A Birthday Haiku:
It is my birthday
I lived another year strong
Isn't that cool beans?
ok, I'm going to bed now. Blowing out my metaphoric candles of the day...I'm telling you, crazy about birthdays...
Posted by jenn at 1:02 AM 4 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Gobble Gobble Goo and a Gobble Gobble Gibble...I Wish That the Turkey just cost a nickel...
so Thanksgiving is underway this weekend with 2 meals in the mix. I will be preparing sweet potato casserole, angel biscuits, and deviled eggs for all the occasions. I make all those things really well, if you don't mind me saying. I also plan on running a 5k Thanksgiving moring to offset the celebrations of the weekends. So far, the only plans on the table for Thanksgiving are hanging out at home with the kids and John since all the meals for extended family will be over the weekend. I'm hoping for a day of Gold Star Chili and non-stop movies!!!!!! Doesn't that sound glorious, a race with friends I'm so thankful for and hanging out with the sweetest family the rest of the day. Add a huge pair of boys sleep bottoms to the mix and it adds up to perfection. So in thinking about Thanksgiving, I thought I would start a list of what I'm thankful for. I like to do lists like these because it makes me be concise so here's my 2008 Top Ten for Thanksgiving:
1. Grace that is greater than all our sins
2. John--specifically how he loves me in a unique way and I love him in spite of his love of cats.
3. Grant, Ella, Molly--quite possibly the most entertaining and amazing kids on the planet.
4. Forgiveness
5. We have not forclosed on our home...seriously, it's a miracle
6. The light at the end of the tunnel for my certification
7. Amazing Friends here in Richmond--Julie, Jeanne, Summer, Ashley, Ty and Marie, Stuart--And far away--Ginger D in Texas, Johnny and Jennifer and Seth and Candace in Frankfort. Without your encouragement and laughter I don't know how I would have made it this year.
8. Jenny Stephens Family--letting us live on your farm has been a blessing you won't ever be able to measure here on Earth.
9. Buck Run Baptist--even though we live far away from our home church, I thank the Lord for a pastor like Dr. York and a church that loves the way they do.
10. Knowing I'm not where I want to be, but I'm not the same as I was before.
Count your blessings this year. We are so much better off than we deserve, aren't we?
Posted by jenn at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
only 4 weeks left in this semester, all you EKU students.
That. IS. Amazing!
Posted by jenn at 4:56 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
hey, hey, do the brand new thing...
Dear blog,
It's been a while. Halloween, working, school, home, running, it all seems a blur. How do I catch you up. Let's prioritize! Ok, 5 weeks of this semester and off to methods! Wooooooo! It has to be easier than what's happening now. And Ella and Molly made straight A's and Grant (no straight A's) is doing awesome in school and all the teachers love him. If I'm told once, I'm told a thousand times, "You're son is so funny". I'm still running and trying to decide to do the Nashville 1/2 in April. I never thought I would be scared to train like that again, but it really is some work to do. The country music and free food could carry me through.
John is helping his family open a new clinic so he is busy, busy, busy. We are also making plans for him to go to Brazil this summer to serve there for 10 days, Lord willing. I'm finding it increasingly hard to find someone to help me along spiritually in this season of recovery so John is doing that. He actually reads to me at night because I'm so inconsistent. He quizzes me like a theology student sometimes too, which is challenging, but good. Julie is holding me accountable in prayer and vice versa. Not having a church family close proves its disadvantage, but the Lord provides, doesn't he. This is still such a weird season of unknowns but my amazing small group leader, Johnny, tells us only deal with obedience for the day. I can manage that.
I want to spend the holidays away from Ky by going someplace warm. I don't think its even a possibility, but I want my little family to be together. We do have a blast when we're all home together. They get their chill out skills honestly from me. I'm looking forward to the break. Not the holidays, just the break.
Oh yeah, Molly had this amazing birhtday party and I thought I could show pictures but I didn't put them on my flash to get that done. Next time. So I put a fun picture of her on the side. She is 10! Time is flying. Don't deserve the sweet family I have, but am so glad that I get to steward them for a time. Molly had a prom for her birthday. It was crazy. I'll post pics this week.
Dr. York is finishing the ten commandment series and I urge you all who read this to go to Buck Run's sight and download. I can't say enough about how the Lord has blessed him with the ability to orate God's word. Truly something.
Ok, now to superficial stuff, my new favorite thing to do on Sunday nights is to sit and watch Extreme Home Makeover in the floor. I was crying so hard by the end of last Sunday nights show (i mean full on ugly cry) I thought I was going to have to take medicine for being stuffy. I LOVE that show. Uh, as Julie says, its like 4 Lifetime movies at once. My birthday is in a few weeks and I'm hoping to have an Extreme Home Makover show kind of happening where we cry and its awesome and the whole town is in on it and Grant jumps up and down and cries and the girls are hugging and John is running around in circles because I made it to 35!!!!!! maybe need to back off the reality t.v. some...
Posted by jenn at 10:22 AM 2 comments
Labels: Extreme Home Makeover, reading, running, school
Friday, October 24, 2008
we're all in this together...
I'm kinda failing at my blog right now. I think about it. Like a long lost friend who is waiting for me to hang out so I'm doing that now. At 12:30 a.m. with Jay Leno in the background and my last online midterm behind me. Awesome. Tonight Julie came over and shared my weekly Office time with me and John (he fell asleep, poor thing) but we caught up and talked of Peru and gynecology in third world countries (oh, crazy health ed. grad students :) I appreciate her ability to be able to drive out to my house because I have children that need to go to bed around 10. I also appreciate her ability to help me with abstract work on health disparities. All friends should be like this!
Title of the blog, let me explain. High School Musical 3 is coming out this weekend and my girls are dying to see it (and deep down maybe I am too, well not dying like I want to see Jim Gaffigan in Louisville Dec 12 in case your looking for a gift idea dying, but a real WANT). We have even got Tyler and Marie excited? last weekend by sitting through High School Musical again. Dorky? yes. Fun? totally. Spontaneous singing and dancing is always appropriate for every situation. I've been explaining to Molly this movie is a spin off of the musical Grease. It was our High School Musical back in the early 80's. There's never an original thought anymore, is there?
I'm beginning to work at Starbucks Monday. I'm selling out to corporate coffee and cheating on MyTime purely based on a need for health insurance. Did you know one of my dreams is to own my own place? No really, I've always wanted a tea or coffee house. I want to visit with regulars and share their lives and have music and art and kids drinking hot chocolate. I would decorate for all holidays, including Columbus, MLK,and Labor Day. If the post office people are off they need a place to come! I have a name and everything. Maybe learning from the Blockbuster of the coffee industry will bring this to fruition. It really blows that there's no artwork there. I like the neutral decor, and don't forget the insurance, but truly the only really cool thing about it is the cool coffee mugs they sell and the $1,ooo coffee machines. I'm sure there will be fun stuff to tell from the coffee shop. I'll keep you posted.
I ran a 5k last Saturday and still haven't posted the pictures. Ella came in 2nd in middle school age division and one of my running partners came in 3rd for women. Our school won the overall prize for most people attending which was really cool. I'll post those and I'm going to update my blog pictures too. Maybe my music, as well. I'll do that at Starbucks. That's what you do at coffee shops, right? I'm also really trying to get back to reading a Proverb a day based on the days date. You will essentially read the book of Proverbs every month and the wisdom books are such applicable reads. Not reading much else, well health journal articles. Blah. Only 2 semesters to a certified teaching career...
Posted by jenn at 12:23 AM 7 comments
Labels: art, coffee shops, high school musical, running, school, starbucks
Thursday, October 16, 2008
you know what's fun? Rain.
you know when it's the most fun?
when your walking across EKU's campus and you don't have a jacket with a hood and the rain pelts feel like icy acid hitting your face and you didn't read your sociology for the required discussion days for ten extra points because Ella needs help with divisibility rules and Grant got a new drum set and the presidential debate is on and you feel guilty if you don't watch it (because you need to be a good citizen) and the second load of laundry must be washed by 10 so you don't go psycho on anybody needlessly.
ok, that feels better...
Posted by jenn at 12:19 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I haven't had any time to really blog about anything and i figure hearing about school gets lame after awhile, but it is my life right now. I'm at mid-term which means only 2 1/2 semesters until I fall in rank with all my certified friends, leave the classified world, and start deciding on graduate school. Where, what, doctoral route? Ah, I'm just going to get through mid-terms right now because Jesus could return by that time.
Grant had an opportunity to survey a career site and see what he might be interested in doing later in his life. He tells us that he's going to be a professional hobo (seriously, that's the exact words--HOBO--how old is he?) Here was his list: Musician, Composer, Dancer...we both started laughing a little at this one, and then it got better. Then he said, "Mom, some other options they gave me where Vending Machine Serviceman, Animal Undertaker, or...wait for it... High School Math Teacher (we both were howling by this point). Seriously? He even said that it ruined his self-esteem to take this and being a Hobo sounds better and better to him. Have no fear...Vending Machine Serviceman is here..."Maam, is your Twix stuck? Step aside and let me work..." What college do you go to do be an Animal Undertaker?
Posted by jenn at 9:07 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
here's a little story I got to tell about three bad brothers you know so well...
Can you name this song? or the persons who "sing" it? you'll have blog props if you can. (John, you are not allowed to answer) This is the end of our four day weekend for Madison County and it was a fun weekend of friends and some of John's family (Joe and Laura) at our house. I wanted to play Rook, but the boys there started arguing whether Cloverfield was good or not. John had never seen it so of to Hastings they went to give John the opportunity to have a vote. So as I sat and watched it for the second time I decided, without a doubt, the WORST movie ever made. No wait, Blair Witch Project comes in there close. LOST may be this guy's only redeeming work, but I swore that show off a long time ago as well. It was still a good weekend and the icing on the cake was church Sunday morning. We had our church service outside on the property where the church will build soon and the weather was amazing and our choir might be the best I've ever heard (and that's saying something having once been a member of Red Bank). Dr. York is really something special in the pulpit, too. If you can download his sermons off of Buck Run Baptist site, you should. A great supplement to weekly devotions. John and I are talking (praying) about going to Brazil this summer with Buck Run. John has wanted see how David Hatcher "does" church there for a long time, so I hope that comes to pass for him at least. I'll keep you posted.
Molly, my sweet blue-eyed baby girl, is intrinsically becoming liberal. I've told some of you this and I joke with her about it all the time. She noticed the "Not tested on animals" logo on her Bath and Body Works lip gloss and was appalled when I told her what happens to lab animals. She said, "I think that people who create that stuff need to put it on themselves and see if they die!". She also has a hard time thinking about her name changing if she gets married one day, and once said she just won't get married. Then Saturday night at my little dinner party she pulled her colored Earth art work off the fridge and said, "Hey mom, I want to dress like in all white and be all like organic and put this picture on my chest, you know like being organic..." What? Who is this child? And what have you done with my daughter? If she mentions the Peace Corp or being vegan I really don't know what to do with that. I'll hide my hairspray and cook all my beef in the freezer, I guess.
Well, I'm going to finish watching Dancing W/ Stars. Lance Bass is my favorite, if you all are wondering. He doesn't dance that great, but he's just another player in this game for two...(that joke was bad, sorry) Is The Office on this week? Anyone know? The debates are getting in the way of my stories!
Correction: Oh yeah, I said that Extra was missing John Tesh in one of my previous blogs, I knew it was Entertainment Tonight. I meant that. Sugar Ray has Extra covered. And I'm a loser...
Posted by jenn at 8:39 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
can coffee make you feel like garbage?
I had to take a break from studying for a racial relations exam (a requirement for kindergarten? whatever) and i'm either really stressing out and feeling uncomfortable or the coffee is making me feel like i'm living in Peru (that's for you Julie) I drink coffee everyday. EVERY day. I shouldn't be feeling like this. Being a non-trad officially makes you sick. I've done the research. Running doesn't help. Sleep doesn't help. Sociology WILL kill you. check your journals later folks, my name will be there.
4 day weekend! Pretty siked for it, too. The plans? Somebody make some and we're in...
Vice presedential candidate debates/or The Office? I'm torn. I know the news will recap and I can probably catch the tail end of the debate, so I could watch both.
What are you all doing this weekend? Since this is officially my Friday I want to know. Maybe I'll steal your ideas or invite myself along with my family. I up for cards or spoons or Last Word. I provide entertainment, you bring food...
Posted by jenn at 10:52 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Confessions of a missionary friend
My friend Amanda is serving the Lord in Brazil as a Kindergarten teacher. She is inspiring, to say the least, but her last blog caught my attention. She talked about her struggles right now while she's there. She might be one of the most transparent people I know with her struggles, too. You think of missionaries having struggles but somehow having this "extra" Holy Spirit protection against anything that could make things difficult. I don't know why I think that because nowhere in the scripture do the apostles have that. They struggled in their work, albeit with joy, but there was struggle. Amanda's struggle is with feeling dependent. Dependent on her translators for taking there time while in service to help her understand Portuguese. She wants them to not miss out on the service. Then she admits she just has a dependent issue because she is pretty independent. What a "real" thing to say. Exposing not only her struggle, but all of our nature. She wants to know what it is to fully depend on God. To have joy in that. Man, don't we all. I wanted to give her these pearls that would make this struggle easy, but I didn't have them. You see, I too know what that is. I find myself being dependent on so many things that don't help, don't solve, don't comfort, don't bring everlasting joy. No, I too like Amanda have a need to be independent. If I'm that then I don't have to be accountable. I don't look vulnerable. I don't need anything. I just can be and folks, being who i want to be is often the thing I need to fight. I pray for Amanda that she discerns the help of others in Brazil as her dependency on God in times of need.
Acting in our own self can lead to a mess, even with good intention. She inspires me to teach. She inspires me to be more like Christ. She inspires me to be dependent on the only thing worth having a dependent relationship with. I can't wait for Christmas to see her, my "family", and share in the joy of her serving. Amanda, don't grow weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not. Dr. York just sent that to me and it was timely for you, too. I'm proud of you in the Lord...
Are you dependent? Seeking dependency on Christ? Trust me, breaking the ties of dependency is incredibly hard when that "thing" is not Christ. I need to keep learning that in my life. Be independent of this world and totally dependent on the one who holds your future and wants to see your good.
Love Ya'll
Posted by jenn at 11:06 PM 4 comments
Labels: Brazil, dependency, missionaries
Sunday, September 28, 2008
For all who are married, with children, or want to be married with children
I know I just posted like 34 seconds ago, but John just woke up from a nap. The kids are not talking to each other very nicely and this was the conversation that occurred just milliseconds after his rest was over,
Molly and Grant: "no you shut up, I don't have to do what you want, stop making fun of me Grant, (word vomit, blah, blah, awful things)"
John (with a new bowl of cereal in his hand to help him "wake up"): Grant, you must say ten nice things to/about Molly for being awful..."
Grant(droning): "Molly, you're pretty, I like the towel around your head, I think your smart to be such a dumb young baby..."
John: "Grant, stop it and say something nice..."
Me: "John, I don't claim to be the smartest or best parent but here's what I know. Sharing is not sharing unless it's voluntary and saying something nice only makes the kids dread saying positive things to one another if its forced or made..."
John: "Uh, Jenn I'm still asleep and I can't understand the words you are saying..."
Molly: "Grant, shut up and stop talking during Extreme Home Makeover..."
Me (laughing at the chaos): "I'm a senior in college in education and I know what I'm talking about..."
John:"Grant, say it or do 100 push ups"
Me:"and that will make him hate exercise..."
John (still eating cereal and not waking up):"I just want to eat cereal and children not talking"
Me: (In my head)"this will be fun to share with the world"
I LOVE my family. They. are. amazing.
Posted by jenn at 8:21 PM 2 comments
I'm a PC, but I really want to be an Apple
John and I have the constant debate that he will never be an Apple computer owner and when I finally graduate, I'm going to get one for myself as a "You Did It". (Check back on that one, the commercials are making me not want to do that) I want the new iphone 3G, too. That way, I could blog about everything I find interesting immediately.
Clark Moore won the district tournament and Ella made her first soccer goal yesterday. She had a chance to play forward and got a goal. That was incredible to see and she was so fired up. The best thing about it, Soccer is OVER!!!!!!!!!! Now only basketball season to finish...
I've basically eaten ice cream, candy,diet coke, and potato chips from the concession stand all weekend so I will be trying to fulfill that exercise bulemia thing I tend to have and run a bunch this week. We also will be getting a new realtor for our home that is still for sale in Chattanooga. I'm not even going to talk about it anymore. Stupid economy.
I'm finishing the weekend with checking blogs and starting homework. It is almost mid-term time. WOO. I'm not talking about this subject either.
John and I are talking to Tyler King about possibly starting to play a Indoor Soccer season this winter. What do you think? Injury nightmare? Take more life insurance out? We think, an active way of being together and building our relationship. It's that or professional Netflix couple. The vote is still out...
Buck Run had a great service this morning. Ten Commandments are still being taught. Our small group class is amazing, too. If you read this and don't go to church with us you should check out Johnny Collett's blog to the right there. Click it later after you read this nonsense.
Talk more soon...
Posted by jenn at 7:53 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
my last blog didn't have a title so this one will be Do what I say...
Here is what I want. Don't fight it. Just do this and you will make me so happy which will make you so happy. It's a full circle situation.
1. Marie and Tyler-one of you start blogging. You have one and it sits at August 29. I don't even know you anymore.
2. Jeanne-you have some of the greatest moments in history to be blogging about. You also seem to get more done than any woman on the planet should so this won't be a problem.
3. Julie-you, my sweet sister, have more wisdom than anyone your age should and publishing it would be such an encouragement to many. I promise.
4. Ginger-Texas would be a much bigger space if it had your comments on Blogger. Richmond awaits this from you. Basically, if you think Sarah Palin has stardom with wit and banter than you are a force to be reckoned with.
5. John-Seriously, this life we're living needs a double the exposure from your perspective. And you are the most gifted man in discipleship and many would read from you. I promise, just check my comments later. I don't need it in print because I live with you and your example far exceeds your written word, but posterity needs it. Yeah, that's a little dramatic but I do mean it.
6. Gold Star Chili-you need a spokesperson, and I'm your girl. PR is my middle name.
Don't fight it. Its like leaning into a turn in a speeding car on a winding road...
Posted by jenn at 9:03 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
I haven't had a post worth writing in a long time and this one won't be much different. Sorry. It may be as much fun to read as listening to John Tesh. John, my John, has been making all these John Tesh jokes and then, low and behold, he was on this worship channel "jamming" to a black urban Christian song with his "crew" dancing and an all white choir backing up his "mojo". My John's comment, "I wonder what God thinks of Christian television...is God in heaven going, OHHHHH..." Oh John Tesh, Extra misses you.
Did you all watch The Office? Dancing With The Stars? Biggest Loser? The problem with all this is we don't have DVR and everything comes on at the same time. We do have 3 TV's sitting in our living room right now, so if I could get John to plug them all in and get them working I would watch all of it at the same time. That's managing on a micro level, baby.
Some of the women I work with are trying to come up with a t-shirt that we can wear when we run and I want to some suggestions, if you have any. Here are a few:
1. Your mom runs...(Grant's idea)
2. Does this make my butt look fast...(written across the, you guessed it, the butt) summer's idea
3. it eat, therefore I run
4. my sport is your sports punishment...
5. kilo is the deal-o (that one's dumb, I just typed it)
Please look at Dr. York's blog at the idol worship video. Crazy. Also, Johnny, the Eagles are going to be in concert in November in Ohio, I think. You might need to get some of the Bush bail out money to buy tickets but if you've never seen them, I hear it will be a good concert.
Ella is finished with soccer this weekend! I've eaten way too much pizza this week, like four times. I've watched all nights of Dancing with the Stars and really don't feel bad about it. I passed a geology test that was impossible. The Office was great, Baby Mama on Friday night. John joined NetFlix and we will finally be up to date with movies. It's a goal, don't make fun. He does NOT however enjoy Dancing with the Stars and that's going to be a problem since all 3 females in our house critique the show amongst ourselves and have a pocket full of shhhhh for those who want to interrupt that while in play.
Posted by jenn at 11:24 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation...
This was the #1 song the year I was born, 1973. I've been getting the most random emails with stuff like this and I delete most of them, but was curious on this one. I really thought it was going to be something like "Dirty White Boy" or "Double Dutch Bus" but no, I"m a lot older than those songs apparently. I don't care. I'm growing wiser. Wise is beautiful!
Which leads me to noticing things about beauty. I am on campus during the day with many college girls who are wearing 3 1/2 inch heels to walk across campus. I'm so not exaggerating this either. What is wrong with these girls?!!? I remember when I barely brushed my teeth to go to class when I was their age, (well, come to think of it I haven't showered today or brushed my teeth and I'm on campus so maybe I'm just gross...popping mint now...)but times have changed. These girls look like they are going out to dinner on a Weekend. I was even Greek back in the day, but saved the dressing for meetings and mandatory dress up days(which we all HATED). This shouldn't bother me, but it so does. Heels? Really? Heels at 8:00 a.m.? Do you not read anything but US Weekly or InStyle? Have you not heard how detrimental that is too your feet? At 8 a.m? Oh, you don't exercise either? Good thing because your feet are going to fall off from your Achilles Tendon being shortened. No heel striking during running for you, missy! Just grates at me...
Here's something else I love on campus, the awkward too-many-people-in-the-elevator feeling. You know, everyone is looking down (especially the girls in 3 1/2 inch heels, they can see the tops of our heads) and you barely want to tell me what floor your going to. I love that. I'm taking the stairs today, enough of that.
Spoon Bread Festival is this weekend and I'm going to work the KiS golf table for some extra cash. I love Spoon Bread. Berea is always good people watching, too. The folk art stuff there this weekend should be great!
Going to class...
Posted by jenn at 9:14 AM 1 comments
Labels: elevators, festivals, heels, running, spoon bread
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Random stuff
I said I was going to follow this political campaign very closely and although my intentions were well meaning, I am failing at the present. I am hearing things in my "liberal" arts classes I am being forced to take and the conversation in slanted and short. Can you really talk in a 55 minute class with a head instructor? No. Anyway, I will be bookmarking some national newspapers to get some information due to the lack of time I also have in front of the T.V. Some would believe this is a good thing, but I don't have DVR or TEVO right now so I'm totally isolated from the world. It took Ginger telling me the severity of the hurricane to even know that. I'm current events handicapped. If my blogging friends want to post in comments relevant items, I would be obliged.
On a funnier note and for my Richmond, KY readers, Big Whirl is now on a moped. With a helmet. As the kids and I were riding to a play audition, we saw him and it looked like he had a For Sale sign on it, too. I've been telling John I want one since I live so close to Waco so maybe he could give me a good deal...
Molly wanted to audition for the local Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" here in town. When we showed up her apprehensions began to read on her like the ghost of Christmas Past :). After having a small conversation about showmanship, animation in speaking, and unforced vibrato in singing, I asked her (trying to be a good mom) if she would feel better if I auditioned. She immediately said yes, and we got to do that together today. I watched her be uncomfortable, study a couple of lines in a few seconds and perform, and grow into a more well-rounded adult all before 1 p.m. This is a real stretch for her, so I hope she makes it.
Ella is still doing well at school and at sports. She has made many new friends and is growing into a beautiful person. Grant is HUGE! I don't mean this ugly, I mean this like the first time you see a monster truck. He might be one of the funniest people I've ever spent time with. His personality is so winning, I'm often afraid he means it when he says he's not going to college so he can be a Hobo and he'll really be OK.
Dr. York has been preaching through the Ten Commandments on Sunday mornings and it has been so good to review the basic tenants of the law. He even makes us say them in unison to memorize them! It is a reminder to me that the free gift of God is such a grace. We fall so short, don't we? We strive, try, and often mistakenly work for something that God has said rest, taken care of, paid in full. The hard ones for me are coming in the next few weeks, but I pray God soften my heart to hear his whisper of grace. Grace is so good! I'll say it again, SO GOOD! Derek Webb's lyrics are so befitting this:
Beloved, listen to me
Don't believe all that you see
And don't you ever let anyone tell you that there's anything that you need
But me.
Love ya'll
Posted by jenn at 11:27 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Grand Ole' Party has arrived
John and I just got finished watching tonight's Republican National Convention and Sarah Palin is...is...(with almost tears in my eyes)...AHHHMMMAAAAZZZZING!
I've not really been too involved in this, or any political race, but she has inspired me to get off my duff and get crackin'. I will be investigating her life much more in depth starting tomorrow, (after class that is)
If you did not see her speech, find it online and get to it.
Posted by jenn at 11:36 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Angie's tag and other fun stuff
This blog will be random but there have been some fun things happen this week.
1. I saw a guy totally crash on his bike in the Coates parking lot trying to ride up from the road to a sidewalk. He also had this enourmous backpack on and he WIPED OUT right beside me. Did I laugh a little...
2. I have a interesting fellow in one of my classes that talks about/in military time. He will be an educator one day. Probably of your kids.
3. Go now and rent the movie "Mama's Boy" with Jon Heder. (Napolean Dynamite) Hilarious!
4. Angie's tag:
A- Attached or Single? Attached? Is that Anglo for married? Then I'm married
B- Best Friend: My 2-6 numbers on speed dial on my phone. John, Julie, Ginger, Marie, and Jeanne
C- Cake or Pie: Cake
D- Drink of Choice: COFFEE, Coke Zero, and bottled water. The occasional iced tea at supper.
E- Essential Item: My doughnut pj's
F- Favorite Color: Red
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Neither. I hate that kind of candy
H- Hometown: Historical Richmond, KY
I- Indulgence: Television. I would watch TV not stop if allowed. I(John) tries to hone this down in me by making a speech on how the mind will grow if we just stop watching it. I just say, "Simmer down or SHHHHHHH"
J- January or February: Both have a holiday to miss school, so I'm indifferent
K- Kids: 3 of the most amazing you'll ever meet
L- Life, for me, is incomplete without: Christ, John, Grant, Ella, Molly, running
M- Marriage Date: 7-93, i can't remember if its the 23 or 24
N- Number of Siblings: 2
O- Oranges or Apples? Oranges, clementines
P- Phobia/Fears: Falling into an open body of water in a car...
Q- Favorite Quote: ? This puts a lot of pressure on me.
R- Reasons to smile: Grant, people falling off of things, John trying to dance
S- Season: Deer
T- Tag Ten: Summer, Shannon, Jeanne, Ragan, Marie, Amanda, Ashley, Alex, Becca, Dr. Moore, Dr. Moehler, anyone else.
U- Unknown fact about me: I adore the show "The Nanny" Love Fran Drescher!
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Check Y
W- Worst Habit: John says procrastinating. I'll think of one later and let you know.
X- X-rays or Ultrasounds? Had both, prefer neither
Y- Your Favorite Foods: Yes
Z- Zodiac: Sagitarius (sp?)
5. I carry so many books at a time on campus because I don't get a break that my backpack stands like 2 feet off my back. I will rupture a disc before I pull that luggage thing around on campus, but I now know why they're doing it. It also smashes my pb@j and orange because it's so heavy. Anyone feeling sorry for me?
6. Grant has an ant farm.
7. Female Vice Presedential candidates ROCK!!!!
8. about 3 kids in class have called me maam. Sweet them.
Happy Labor Day!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Cause a lot of wags want to hear it...
I started this Saturday sending my sweet little family out the door to the zoo and work as I made a list of errands to run until they get home. One of my to-do's is to take the kids comforters to the laundrymat here in Richmond because they are too big for our washing machine. Ok, so I pull up and the door is unlocked like the business is open and I'm dragging these big black lawn and leaf bags into the Mexican laundry mat (well, there is always a hispanic woman running it and her children run around barefoot which is real cute)and I realize no one is in there. NO ONE. I start saying, "Hello...". Nothing. Not even the sound of a cockroach scurrying. I'm still dragging my bag across the floor to the huge machines and yell again, "Hello...". (insert sound of crickets for movie affect). So I stand there and debate on whether to throw my stuff on in the machine and stay in the creepy abadoned laundry mat. In what seemed like a long time but was actually like 30 seconds I ponder why this place might be dead empty. Is there a drug bust going down out back? Did the kids have an emergency visit to the pediatrician because the black won't come off their feet? There is a Chinese resteraunt next door so maybe they're moonlighting? I feel the creepy increase and start to drag my bag back out. Then it dawns on me that this is the same bag they use in the movies when someone has been murdered and one is trying to dispose of a body. So I stand there again wondering if this is an episode of Punked or Candid Camera( I know that show hasn't been on since I was like 5, but you get the idea). Before I open the door, I look to see if anyone I know is around and drag my body/comforters to the car that is still missing a hubcap and looks criminal. I wanted to curl up in the fetal positon upon realizing I told Molly I would have her comforter cleaned by tonight so I stopped for a Diet Coke at MyTime, checked my email, and decided to share my Saturday with you thus far. I still have to find a laundry mat. Isn't there such a thing as a Chinese laundry?
I also looked at the pictures of the 38 year old Olympic Marathon winner and read about the marathon hopefuls who didn't win. It inspired me to keep on trucking and don't give up running a marathon by the time I'm 40. They didn't even expect her to be in the top 5! Awesome! Constantina, although you looked like an old skeleton running that finish line, I want to run like you. Hurray for older runners! and as a side note, she ran her full marathon shorter than my half time. Sigh.
I read Sarah Guin's latest post that bragged about her not starting school this week and I was glad for her in a "I'm jealous kinda way" as Me, Marie, Ashley, and the other 18,ooo students start our fall semester this week. That reminds me, add to the to-do list, Buy Books.
Thankful list:
1. Redemption
2. John
3. Grant's braces are off (we'll take a picture of his mouth and I'll post it!)
4. The Office and Biggest Loser Family will be on soon!
5. Cold weather is coming so running will get easier.
6. Ginger is soon to be not sick
7. Buck Run Baptist
8. Podcasts
9. Nutella on white bread!
Good luck starting school all EKU Colonels. It's going to be great(i'm shaking my head no while typing :-)
Posted by jenn at 12:48 PM 2 comments
Labels: laundry mats, nutella, Olympics, school
Thursday, August 21, 2008
addendum to below...
so, i'm posting again today. sue me. i'm having this fun banter with lasslo about how all the exercising she wants is becoming "trendy" and that makes her not want to do it anymore. so i thought, while i'm sitting in eastern's library in between an ortho appointment for Grant and picking up Ella from basketball to go to her soccer game, that the new sport we should come up with is cynicalates. Yeah, it's like stetching while you make fun of a real sport or physical activity. she is mastering this and I want to be schooled by her. julie, i made up some training for it. We could write this in a book and publish it...
Day 1: wake up at 8:45 a.m. late for masters work and think of all the people who have got up at 5:00 a.m. and ran 10 miles, without sweating or gatorade, and write down your cynical comment
Day 2: wake up at 7:00 a.m., thinking you'll get it in a bike ride but low...your $150 bike looks jank up against the bikers who have $2,000 dollar bikes AND helmets that mommies and dadddies bought for them, and its not really fixed like the bike shop said. instead, one must attend MyTime for caffiene and couch bends for hours before heading to class, meetings, games, and not exercising at all. (insert:being a grown up is hard)
Day 3: Rest...because we stayed up to watch the Olympics until 3 a.m. Watching exercise always motivates you, doesn't it?
Day 4: Try sprinting a 200 like the Olympic women from the night before but blow your hamstring because you didn't stretch enough. Riiiiiggghhhhtt....
Day 5: Rest...it is Friday after all.
Day 6: Church meetings take most of the day, and everyone asks you,"Hey, you know you should really start hiking cause I hear its good for your hamstrings or something like that..."
Day 7: Thank Goodness for the Sabbath. Rest and keep it holy.
julie, i'm going to go run some tonight after supper and laundry and putting the kids to bed, finishing the last chapter of my new book I'm not dependant, and last but not least, watching the Olympics.
John says hello.
Posted by jenn at 3:29 PM 2 comments
Can I be this tired already?
I called one of the parents of one of the players on Ella's basketball team and basically word vomitted all over her about being tired. I sound like I'm whining all the time, but seriously, sometimes I wonder if meds aren't a good idea for me to deal with things that most rational people don't seem to have a challenge dealing with. I joke with Jeanne that running is my Xanax (sp?, who cares) but I'm just not wrapping my head around how active your life can become with teenage children. That stabs me in the heart even to say, "Teenage children". This life is so fast. And if Jesus could come back really soon, like before the week Ella has a soccer and/or basketball game every night of the week, I would be much less stressed.
Ok, I'm whining.
I'm trying to download photos right this instant of fun stuff that has happend in the last few weeks of summer like Kings Island and the MidSummers Night Run. I miss being lazy and not having a set schedule. I appreciate schedules and do get much done when given a time frame, but I just want to be spotaneous and open to flexible schedules. Maybe that could be a dissertation I can write, "Kids assessment scores increase due to flexible school schedules". I told John the other night I would like to pursue my education track, if possible, to be able to teach college. We'll see. It's funny to anticipate planning that when we don't even know where we're going to live next year. I'm ready to have my house again, but am thankful our home in Chattanooga is being used by a couple who is also trying to make some of the same decisions we are. Let's hope they love our house and want to buy it!!!!! If you're in Chattanooga, tell them that house is great!
Speaking of Ella playing soccer/basketball, she is doing amazing. She is fun to watch and the other night I watched her ram into a little girl on the soccer field. The girl bounced off Ell and smacked the ground. Ella was more concerned with making sure the girl was ok than getting back to the ball within a half second. She shows grace and compassion to people in ways I'm learning from. I love watching her. She always sees the positive and is such a go-getter. Her first basketball game is next week. WOO WOO!
Well, I'm going to polish off this cup of coffee(3 so far today, that's awful), and work on soccer booster minutes. Pictures soon hopefully.
Posted by jenn at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
There is always something there to remind me...
I'm sitting at MyTime for the fourth day in a row with Molly and getting to be on the internet for no purpose but to browse. That doesnt' seem to happen to often and there is some crazy stuff you can find when you are mindlessly looking. Ella is at basketball practice and I'm waiting her out so I can then take her to soccer practice. She loves to be overly active and we are enabling this need for her this semester. Two sports, two-four hours of practice or games or both four days a week, and the rest of the family being good members by rooting her on and painting our faces for games and Grant taking off his shirt at games and dancing crazy...well, that hasn't happend yet, but it will! Grant's birthday is next week and we are celebrating this weekend at the local mini-golf place. He has an eclectic guest list ranging from family, his teen-age friends, and his married college friends. I think he wants some competition and maybe having two Tyler Kings there will bring the heat.
The kids and I all start school next week and we are regretfully saying farewell to sleeping in until 11:00 am every day. I used to think this was a dreadful habit, but when my body just kept sleeping and I was delightfully happier with 11-13 hours of sleep a day, I decided its not laziness, it's healthfulness. Yeah, everybody should be doing it. When other moms found out about my habit and scoffed I would tell them I didn't want to interrupt my kids sleeping and if they would sleep until noon I would let them. That seemed to get them off my back some. Anyway, we are missing that and haven't figured out a way to get in bed by 7 p.m. to keep the habit going, so we will forego this until next summer, or at least Labor Day morning.
Speaking of sleeping, Big Whirl was asleep in the shade across from Long John Silver's on the bypass this morning. My kids were freaking out and saying things like, "does he know he's in the middle of town?". There is really no reason to mention this other than it goes along with my sleeping notion. Maybe he's trying to get 13 hours a day too!!!
Some people's blogs have mentioned things that are going great in there lives so I thought I would do that too:
1. Kings Island tomorrow
2. My semester of college paid for because I got the teacher's scholarship form KHEAA
3. John and the kids are healthy and we laugh a lot at home at night! John and the girls should go on the road with there Paramore interpts they perform.
4. Friends are fulfilling God's call and seeing God move in there lives. Amazing
5. John and I are doing well, and that feels good
6. Life, although we're still in total disarray, is panning out some. We're learning patience and although that can be hard, it's a teacher that you can only learn from through experience.
7. Good friends are blessings.
Love Yall
Posted by jenn at 11:02 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
It's five o'clock somewhere...
A lot has happend since the 24th post. Lots of great stuff. John and I didn't go to the creation museum but instead got invited to camp and hike the Red River Gorge last weekend, which was so fun! Our tent didn't have poles we discovered when trying to set up camp in the dark with head lamps on (grrrrrrr) so Seth York hooked us up with a really fancy lean to and we slept on the hardest ground on the Earth. That was not the fun part. We headed back to the car at 4 a.m. and slept until morning where we had coffee on a gorgeous morning and hiked the rest of the day. Awesome. And we smelled even better. moving on...
Julie Lasslo came home from her summer in Peru and me, John, and the kids got to visit on Monday night over dinner. We even did smores on the front porch! It was so good seeing her and she brought me back some cool earrings! She needs to start blogging to share her story, so Julie, as you read this, start blogging.
We also saw a bunch of movies this week. And ate a lot of popcorn and diet coke. We are carb addicts. Especially if the carbs are movie theater popcorn. Ella asked me this morning what makes movie popcorn better and I said, "Fat". Her face snarled and she said, "I like fat then". Oh yeah, Grant asked me this week why the middle of corn on the cob is so hard by sticking a fork in it and saying, "Huh, so what's in the middle of corn on the cob mom, Wood?" He will win a Pulitzer Prize for an invention or writing something amazing, you watch and see.
I also got to have dinner with some of my favorite Waco teachers last night. We ate way too much and laughed way too loud (that's always fun). We all know school is less than two weeks away and we're all trying to seize every moment.
My favorite thing that is going to happen in all the summer is KINGS ISLAND this Friday. Just like the commercials for the amusement park say, I am a ride warrior. Bring them all on. And the cherry Icee's, and funnel cake, and the best Skyline Chili(which is not as good as Gold Star, but is close) that I've ever had. I cannot wait and John is good at taking pictures while we're riding the coasters so that should be fun to look at!
I think it's good to be thankful for small moments like these. They're God's blessings and we should recount them and be thankful. Like the song, "Count your blessings". It helps one not to always be downcast and focus on the things that are wrong in our lives. Movies, camping, having legs that will let you hike, friends, jobs, people who love you and you are able to love them back, kids who ask crazy questions and play guitar hero for 24 hours straight, that's good stuff. all gifts. And I, for one, am very thankful!
Posted by jenn at 6:44 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I told you I would post this...
Today is my 15th anniversary! We are going to go the the Creation Museum in Northern KY on Saturday as a continuation of the staycation, but last night we dropped Grant with his amazing great grandma and headed to Movie Tavern for eats and a movie, then off to a local Lexington coffee shop, Common Grounds. Oh, that's sweet you might be saying. Well, as Grant is my witness, here is how our amazing evening conversation started:
Jenn: You know John, I need to start weight training again instead of just running.
John: Yes you do (silence...)
Jenn: (assimilating the silence...) What is that supposed to mean?!?
John: (in his head, "i didn't mean how that came out")I'm just saying you don't have to be so hard on your body to stay slim. You won't have to run miles and miles...
Jenn: Are you saying my body feels flabby?
John: You are perfect! (actually he didn't say this but this is what I thought in my head :-)
oh, i gets better. Now mind you we had a good laugh out of this but I will end this blog with a moral...
(in the car)Jenn: You know for our 20th anniversary I want to get Rejuvaderm for these lines in my face (pointing around my mouth, don't point them out when I see you)
John: Don't you mean ReBOOBaderm (as he laughs at himself because the word association is so close, NOT)
Jenn: What is that supposed to mean? (didn't I already say that just 30 minutes before? Yep.)
John: (Still laughing) I don't mean that, I just thought it was so close sounding, so similar...ha ha ha ha ha (and he says again, "Get it,ReBOOBaderm")
Jenn: (silence)
15 second delay of laughter by John and now Grant
Jenn: Grant, please take note that when you are married 15 years, do not make jokes about the size of anything on your wife. You will remember this interlude today in the car. That is the moral Grant, don't make fun of your wife ON her anniversary, no matter how true or funny.
Grant: I'm not getting married.
That's another blog.
Seriously, we laughed and all was well. John, when you read this, one of the reasons I wanted to be married to you is because you are funny. You make me laugh and are a comfort for me to be around. Growing old with you is going to be hilarious...now let's go to Cracker Barrell...WEEEEE!
Posted by jenn at 12:36 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
house for sale
since our realtor can't seem to sell our house I thought I would advertise it on my blog. There might be 7 or so people who read it, and albeit they are homeowners, they might have a friend who isn't and lives near Soddy Daisy, TN. I would like to officially start my life in KY with a home and can't do that until it is sold. So please, all seven of you, start advertising.
Summer, think harder because you said you were going to WILL it to sell. Create more WILL.
Jeanne, call one of Jim's ag people and tell them that there are no cows in Chattanooga and they need more.
Everyone else, just pray. In all seriousness, it's the only thing we can do and I need that chapter to close. God knows that though, and so I wait...
I saw the Dark Knight with John and Seth and Candace York and Heath's mouth sounds almost killed me during the movie, but he was amazing. Worth the movie ticket.
Heading off to Historic Casa Cafe again, so get crackin' on the whole house thing!!@!
Posted by jenn at 6:53 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I've got two tickets to paradise...
Oh Eddie Money, what happend to you? So I continued the "staycation" with Jeanne and her boys and Grant yesterday at the famous Paradise Cove of Lake Reba. It was going well, and by well I mean Grant and Kirt and Jake hanging out with me and Jeanne while we tried to run them off to the slides of death, and I thought, "Staying in Richmond ALLLLL summer isn't so bad." Out of nowhere the whistles blow and we are all asked to evacuate the pool. Why? Someone stooled in the pool! Seriously. Agian. For like the 4th time this summer. We watched them net "it" out of the pool and did they close? No. They shocked the pool and we had to stay out for an hour. MMMMMMMMMM. We bailed out and left because a Legends Game was waiting on Jeanne and her family via me that night.
P.S. Those free tickets scored Jim winning round trip tickets to Chicago. Like they haven't vacationed enough this year...(He "earned" them by beating a woman from California throwing toy planes through a hula-hoop. Wouldn't it have been great if he would have had to actually hula-hoop, do the Cupid's Shuffle, run the bases? If you know him, you can appreciate this)
I'm in MyTime doing homework for my finals week and wanted to plug something I found on the internet. Pandora radio is free internet radio. You get to make your own radio stations and rate your favorite music. I LOVE it.
John and I are going to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary this week. I think that's awesome. Thank all of you who have supported us since we've been back. We're excited about it this week. Grant has asked to not be included in the festivities. What's wrong with him? We are so the coolest to hang out with...
Posted by jenn at 11:43 AM 2 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
think of the summer's of the past, adjust the bass and let the alpine blast...
If you know the song of the above forementioned, then I applaud you and your taste! I have some pictures now of some of the stuff we've been doing this week. A lot of it was fun and some was just an attempt to "staycation" here in Richmond at the local free events. Last Saturday we went to a send-off celebration of a dear friend of ours, Amanda Bolin, as she embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. She is going to teach Kindergarten in Brazil. Her party was fun and all of our old youth group from John's first two churches were basically there. That is always a kinda weird thing. It's like two worlds colliding. It was a great time and she is going to be dearly missed. She coined the term "crackhead" to me. I would see her right before Sunday School at Red House, when I taught high-school girls, and she would say things like, "What's up crackhead" or "Don't act like a crackhead". I told her its now a term of endearment to me.
She is a crackhead!
We went for a hayride too!
We also took some time to visit the free concert series on Tuesday nights at the park. Some guy named, I don't even know now, was there and he really was good. The really awesome thing was that every person there was like 60 and above. The kids played in the park and I sat and waited on John to come from work. I saw my old aerobics boss there and we talked about his knee replacements and cycling. Then John came and we hung out while the sun went down. The music was nice, not like a Guns-N_Roses concert or anything, but peaceful and relaxing.
So I thought, we should do the free Richmond Historic Downtown walk on Thursday nights to keep this free gravy train rollin'. Well, it was much more fun because Grant and John were acting like crackheads and making all sorts of jokes about our historic town. John once said, "Jenn, I'm afraid someone is going to drive by and be like, dang they weren't gone that long, have they forgotten where they live..." This was basically like a Civil War reenactment but not. Like a play on the streets, but not really. Like a tour of White Hall, but no, not really. We finally left after we hit 1st street and Cassius Clay was telling us of his life and decided we would visit the amazing historic site of Casa Cafe. The historic site of Tsing Tao was too busy for our blood. If you are interested in going, it's every Thursday night at 7 p.m. I don't paint a great picture, unless the art you're thinking of is like Picasso, then it's right on the mark...
I liked her dress!
Did women suffragist wear mini-skirts? In Historic Richmond they did...
We will continue our "staycation" this week with Grant and I going to the pool with Jeanne before she travels the world again and I will be revisiting my favorite vacation spot of the summer, EKU library.
Oh yeah, I did change my hair color this week. That's exciting news. Well, for me. And the geometry test went well. And the midusmmer's night run is in two weeks. So there is plenty of action going on in the Martin house. The girls are in Myrtle Beach with grandparents and its just me, John, and Grant. There is no telling what might happen.
Posted by jenn at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
school's out for the summer...
well, in one week anyway. i'm not finished studying for an exam in math, but found some old friends to put in my post. you can check out their blogs in my friends section. amazing people, they are. John, the kids, and I have been doing some fun stuff lately so I'll throw some pics up soon of that. in the meantime...off to talk of geometry and assessment...weeeeee...
Posted by jenn at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
"raindrops keep fallin' on my head"
This was the big 4th of July weekend and it got started this year with the Bluegrass 10,000 in Lexington, KY. Me, John, Tyler, Marie, Jeanne, Ragan, Joy (Jeanne's sister-in-law)and Jim all took off at 5:55 a.m. to get there, parked, and in line up. It was supppppeeerrr rainy (which I love to run in) and all of the runner's were so thankful to John (event photographer) and Tyler (event towel boy) to help us along. The race crowd was not as fun as the 1/2 marathon crowd, but the rain didn't stop some from rooting us on. I got to run next to a man dressed as Iron Man (which was crazy since he was in a full costume and I was still breathing hard in running shorts and underarmor). We ended the race with a trip to Panera for some coffee and a bagel. My time, you ask? 66 minutes. I think i've hurt my hip flexor while running this summer and had to walk one mile of the race, but still good time considering I was almost crying from mile 4-5. Marie ran a race for the first time doing this race (not many can say that!) and she ran in with my running partners!! 60 minutes. (I hate her:)
Here are some pictures:
This was my reaction when someone said, "There aren't any porta-potties until the end of the race..." uhhh....
the latest in running fashion...apple scented bags...
this is what crazy looks like on a rainy 4th morning
here I come...66 minutes later...so glad that's over...
and the reason why we run...we run to eat!!!!!
This was so fun and I appreciate john standing in the rain to take pictures (sweet him). Now the Red, White, and Boom event later was not as much fun to stand in the rain at, but I digress.
I'm in week 3 of summer school and am so ready for it to be over! This summer is flying by. John and I are still waiting on the persons to buy our home (that is something all of you can diligently pray for), so until then we are just staying in Waco and trusting God with it. There must be a reason it's not sold yet. Our good friend Amanda is leaving soon for Brazilia to teach Kindergarten and we will get to spend some time with her before she leaves this month. It's amazing to see the missionaries that God is raising up in young people. Ginger Daniels, a friend I used to teach Sunday School with, is coming to KY in August from TX and I am really looking forward to seeing her. She's one of those people who feels like home when you're around her. And she loves me in the Lord in such a unique way. I can hear her rebuke and know it is really from a heart of love and I've needed that lately. She's filling in the gap when no one has been there to do that and I thank God for her.
Posted by jenn at 1:04 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Rockin' in the Free World
For those of you who are keeping up with Julie through this, she just called me and she thinks she could have pneumonia (spelling?). She is doing great otherwise but she is battling something and has been on an antibiotic which, so far, has not helped much. She and the team she is with are sharing the gospel with many a Peruvian and she tells me she is learning much about herself, the Lord, and really loving a people who are lost. She has eaten cow intestines with corn in them (yummy) and she duct taped her toilet together that she is currently sharing with 80 other people. She loves it there and other than the sickness, is doing very well.
John and I got to hang out with some old friends of ours that date back to Waco Baptist days, Robbie and Misty Randall (who I affectionately refer to as Crispy). Anyway, after really good enchiladas, Robby busted out Guitar Hero. I'd never played and am really bad at it, but John and I quote, "Look Jenn, I'm rocking it!" He said it so proper, so white, so John-like, that we were cracking up. And Crispy got pictures:
"Evenflow...blah blah blah I don't know the words...."
Sam, Robby and Misty's son provided the back up dancing for the evening, as well. Good times.
Posted by jenn at 12:42 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
on location at MyTime Coffee...
Well, I just frantically turned in a late assignment my professor is graciously letting me do and I'm reading up on my friends blogs, checking email, drinking coffee, etc. My friend Angie is going to do the Susan Komen Race for the Cure and you can take part in supporting her endeavor to raise $500. Go to her blog for more details:
Ok, so since my last blog I've been to a wedding, the lake, another Lexington Legends game, and my summer vacation spot known as tropical EKU library. It is so cold in that library that I had to take a long sleeve jacket in and it was like 87 degrees out! Seriously, I'm alert! Turn down the A/C so I don't die of hypothermia! Anyway, here are a few pictures for you to check out. Some are pretty funny:
I went to Ashley's wedding and caught her for a picture before we left. She looked beautiful!
Molly blowing in the wind...she's so cute!
This is John auditioning for the Go-Go's video "Vacation"
Ella getting her cruise on...
I'm driving this little speed boat...really fun!!
It was a good day and no sunburn. I didn't know John could ski and it was hilarious to watch him. He' really good, but he acts like such a dork when he gets comfortable which sometimes gets him hurt. He was sore for days.
The Bluegrass 10,000 is 4th of July and the training is full on. I just hope its not in the 80's at 7:30 a.m. that morning.
More later...
Posted by jenn at 1:54 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
I'm not sick but I'm not well...
Summer I is officially over! It makes me so happy that I could eat a couple of Big Macs. Only 5 more weeks of math and assessment and I can officially start summer! That will be in August. I want to go to Kings Island and eat funnel cake and Skyline Chili(which is not as good as Gold Star, but that's all they have there). I want to read a book that has nothing to do with education. I want to go to the pool without a laptop or a text book and be able to swim with my sud-drenched children. I want to hang out with friends and see my friends who have been doing missions all summer.
School starts August 13...sigh.
It's OK, I'm keeping a sunny disposition, folks.
Posted by jenn at 3:40 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Saturday, June 14...
so...i'm in the library again getting ready for an exam while Angie Hatterick has my daughter out at a movie. Molly was the proud winner of seeing Kung Fu Panda for having the most AR points in her room (girl winner). I should have warned angie that molly is a blast at all events and she will want to take her to many a movie (I think angie just wants to see animated movies and not be a tool!)
I got up and ran this morning at 9 a.m. thinking it would be cooler and less humid but i was so wrong. Jeanne, Ragan, and I looked at each other thinking "We're idiots for being up this early on Saturday and running" but we tredged on. My hands and body were so sticky, I felt like I had eaten pancakes with my bare hands. I think that I've decided I like to run races, I just don't like training for them. Training=pain. Pain=already got enough of that in my life, so what am i doing? Basically i'm tired of being the weakest runner of the three of us. Ragan runs cold turkey and keeps a better pace than me! Too bad I like her or I would really start ragging on her right now.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
Maybe I'm not going to run the Chickamauga 1/2 or the Nashville 1/2. Maybe I'll just play Nazi Yahtzee. My mom plays Yahtzee with my great aunt and they are always trying to get me to play with them. I was thinking the other day that I've tried all my life not to turn out like my mom and somewhere along life's path, I resemble her. She has decided not to do chemo anymore because IT was killing her, not the cancer, and she feels great. She's really overcome some stuff and she has dealt with me in some stuff. I've given her a lot of grief, but she really is good. Maybe I'll play Yahtzee with these two ladies and get the pants spanked off me.
I've got to get on this exam. Hope it's not raining on Tyler and Marie while they're on their anniversary trip.
Summer, start running!
Thank you Angie for taking Molly today.
Posted by jenn at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
in the library...
didn't i tell you all i would be spending my summer in the library. well, i'm here trying to get a WIKI to download on blackboard (and it's not working) so i thought, i'll check my blog. only angie and summer are blogging so we'll just keep up with each other this way girls and comment on each other's blogs. i'm one week out on summer I and summer II starts two days later. but that's nine more hours down to me getting to educate the youth of tomorrow.
Do you all like Weezer? a kid at our school had an awesome Weezer t-shirt i always wanted to take off him and send him to the resource closet for a new tee(just so I could steal it:)
This video is hilarious:
So...i attended a free IFC fighting championship at rupp arena the other night (like UFC only ghetto and the guys looked like they were from Irvine, KY). Well, I witnessed an insane bikini contest that left me feeling a little more feminist than i care to be, and saw blood mopped off the floor of the "cage" by a guy in a purple suit. I'm pretty sure my IQ dropped for attending, but I didn't know.
I'm getting ready for the Bluegrass 10,ooo going on in Lexington and running when the humidity is 1,ooo percent is KILLING ME. and that a secada hit me in the head while i was running didn't help either. I just try and imagine jeanne saying, "if there's a secada infestation the morning of the race, you're just going to run with them" and i keep my feet turning.
please go see the m. night shamalan movie when it comes out friday. he's a genius. you won't be sorry (unless it's like Lady in the Water, then I apologize)
my friend Julie just sent me a letter from a town in Peru called Cordova. She's doing summer missions work in the Andes Mountains. She is 10,ooo feet above sea level and wrote about having some altitude sickness, killing a scorpion, eating interesting food that she can't refuse but not vomit yet, and how music is the primary means she is getting to translate the love of God to a people who've never heard of Jesus and don't understand her language yet. Her heart for the lost amazes me. She is already talking of wanting to stay there (which kills me) and I think she could. She is a person that knows we are all crooked deep down and there is only one hope. She encourages me with phrases about my life like,"you know jenn, even when this life sucks we know how the story ends". I'm glad to hear her summer is being served in the gospel and am thankful she is a sister of mine. Maybe she will finally eat a hot dog when she gets back :)
I'm going to get back to work. and watch people swat secada's that land on them from the window...
Posted by jenn at 3:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Well, I'm officially a soccer mom. Ella will be playing on the Clark-Moore Girls Soccer team this next school year. I loved the email we recieved, come to the parent meeting and get your Otis Spunkmeyer cookie fundraising materials so she can go to camp! Wait, I thought we were playing soccer not making people obese! Anyway, I think i'm going to have cookies for sale so don't eat Kroger or Walmart brand, buy Ella's!
New M. Knight movie coming June 15! Wooooo!
off to math class...
Posted by jenn at 3:42 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Memorial Weekend...
So we DID do the campout this past weekend at our house...most of us slept inside because it rained and was COLD. What is wrong with the weather this year? Props to Mary and Amanda for sleeping outside and almost being eaten alive by killer bugs. You two amazed me. We roasted marshmallows, burned hot dogs and ate them anyway, and then did what all camping trips should involve...watching a movie because our fire got rained on. It was good and breakfast the next morning made up for it. Made me a little sick later, but still wouldn't undo it...mmm, breakfast meats!!!
While working on MAT 201 and watching the Top Chef weekend marathon, I came across my 5k sign up sheet, so I won't be running that Memorial Morning. I'm starting to make excuses for not wanting to run and that won't do. Eating peanut butter and jelly or banana sandwiches won't help me out! I saw some pictures of me a few years ago on John's computer and some people's facebooks and yikes! Should have been running more then.
Last week of elementary school next week and my kids are so excited! We look forward to sleeping in. Grant's off to Disney soon with his cousin so he's really excited. Still no word on our house, so if you want to vacation in Chattanooga, call me. I'll give you a good deal on our vacation home.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
Have a good Memorial Day everyone. Let's hope we don't have to wear sweatshirts.
Posted by jenn at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
educational psychology is not fun...
i'm sitting in the library taking a moratorium (that's college talk for "break") from educational psychology. I would just about give my right eye to not have to write a paper on Erickson's theories but I digress. I'm having this camp out this weekend and just started thinking that i'm not sleeping outside. If your coming, you better bring tick spray, they are awful right now. I'm looking forward to being together with all my friends, sitting on the front porch and singing with Julia Gulia, watching all the boys compete in fishing for no reward, and eating lots of tube steak over open flame. good times...
i need a part time job this summer. anyone know of something i could do and sit in front of a computer to do homework? anyone. bueller, bueller...
indiana jones, the happening, can't wait for these movies this summer. about as exciting as independence day with will smith a few summers ago. Do you all know I love will smith? i've almost taught my kids all the lyrics to "summertime". Best song ever! it makes me want to be black in philly.
julie is leaving for peru this weekend. she's excited and nervous and got this really cool camping gear where she WILL sleep outside with ticks. crazy but inspirational. Pray for her. She's leaving some real unknowns back home so pray her focus and heart can stay on the people of Peru and her learning the language. i already miss her, stupid face.
back to paper writing...
Posted by jenn at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
i'm better now...
so...since that last word vomit over finals, lots has happend. i'm in summer school, john graduated from college, elementary school is winding down, and a long summer is soon to ensue. i wish i could say i'm excited about it, but truthfully i'm not. it's a weird place i'm in right now. it's too much to go into in a blog, but i used to get super excited over summer and vacations and sleeping in (well, i do get excited about that but i don't see that in my summer). Remember when you used to look forward to things like the ice cream truck? you would tear your mom up for 50 cents for a super bomb pop? I loved those. I have great friends leaving the country to do summer missions, one to Peru and one on a longer term to Brazil. That makes me a little sad. But I couldn't be more encouraged by their sacrifice and inspired by their love for the Lord.
It makes me a little sad to think my kids have finished one more year of school. More transition. Our family is still in transition since our house in Chattanooga (which my friend Julie Lasslo kindly refers to as Egypt) has still not sold. That's uber frustrating. So it's like we're living duel lives in a sense. One chapter can't open until one closes. So we wait...
Maybe that's why I'm not looking forward to summer. Transition is just not fun. It is what it is. So I'll just live day to day, going to school, probably work a small part time job, i'll run, cook, do laundry, hang out with my family...that' john, the kids, and tyler and marie, and make the best of it.
Here's something that will make you laugh...maybe.
Posted by jenn at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I just needed to say that if i don't pass this one final i have, which i get to take multiple times but it has been made were Socrates himself could not pass it, i'm going to put my fist through my computer. seriously.
Posted by jenn at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
just some stuff while i'm studying...

Posted by jenn at 8:54 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
What's that have to do with the price of rice in China?
While i was getting ready for school this morning, i was listening to the famous "Today" show (which by the way is much inferior to "Good Morning America") and there was a story about how there is a rice shortage overseas and that is increasing our price of rice here in the U.S. Now it doesn't matter that America doesn't have a shortage of rice, we export most of it, and oh yeah...people don't eat carbs here. The food shortage is really overseas, a REAL food shortage. That is disheartening to hear. But, we still will have to pay more for rice and it will be rationed to us at 4 bags per shopping trip. Sam's Club and GFC will arrest you if you buy 5, you hear me! That's not really my ranting.
The next story was how Hillary Clinton has raised 10 million dollars in the last two days for her campaign trail. Two days, and it was all raised on the internet by her campaign lackeys who don't care about people hungry overseas, because there is a 1 in 10 millionth chance she could be Democratic nominee for the U.S., who does not have a rice shortage but will be paying more for it anyway. Is there something wrong with this? Seriously.
It's the end of my semester. Can you tell? more to come...
And i'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free...
Posted by jenn at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
First Time for Everything
ok, i LOVE these comic strips called cyanide and happiness. i will be sharing some of my favorites with you as i find them. when i find them that resemble some part of my life and my day it makes it a double bonus.
ok, a lot of you know that i'm runnig my first mini marathon this weekend. it sounds so motivated, so exhilarating and monumental...and i'm scared to death. i'm running with basically the greek goddess of running who lovingly screams at me when i want to slow down. i love her and want to punch her in the face all at the same time in those moments. we joke about it. she's that non-sissy friend. we all need those. i also am finishing my semester in school and it's an odd feeling to be talking about history homework at 34. i may blog about my thoughts of the non-traditional students at eastern another time. i don't want to be thougth of one, so i try not to belly ache about it. all i know is when i see my fellow oldies on campus with their stewardess suitcases and perfectly organized notebooks and all their assignments were finished before the syllabi was ever published i think...i'm so glad i am who i am. i like that i enjoy comic strips on nothingness. and then their suitcases turn over on the curb and they're scrambling to get it back on it's wheels to show up 10 minutes early for class and think all if fair in the world...
i'll blog about the race after saturday. maybe we can have awesome pictures too. oh yeah...one more comic
Posted by jenn at 9:45 AM 4 comments
getting started
soooo...i'm going to start blogging. i'm pretty addicted to keeping up with every nuance imaginable so this should really come easy to me. let me warn you, i will give advice (it will be bad but given in good spirit), i will post pictures and comic strips (to come later), and i will probably tell of my parenting genius and you will be jealous.
ok, i don't have time to start this correctly, but welcome to jennblog.
Posted by jenn at 9:04 AM 0 comments